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The proper etiquette for meeting and greeting the political leaders

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The proper etiquette for meeting and greeting the political leaders   Empty The proper etiquette for meeting and greeting the political leaders

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:09 am

The leaders in politics should not let the public (visitors etc.) and  officials and ministers etc. touch their feet. A simple Namaste or Jai-Hind (including a handshake if necessary) will do the job satisfactorily instead.

Moreover, the political leaders should not allow others (public, officials and ministers etc.) to call them through family relations (Dada, Didi, Bhai-ji, Behan-ji, Chacha-ji, Mata ji,  etc.), but have others use for them the official designation such as Mukhya-mantri ji, Pradhan-mantri ji, Rashtrapati ji, Mantri ji, etc.

The political leaders, no matter what the religious background,  need to bring and show real professionalism and decorum during official meetings and while being greeted and received officially by others, which is seriously undermined through the touching of feet etc. and calling them Bhaiya, Didi etc. by public, ministers and officials.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Join date : 2012-11-29

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