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Room with a view: Tejpal's new living quarters in Goa's Central jail has an ocean view

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Room with a view: Tejpal's new living quarters in Goa's Central jail has an ocean view Empty Re: Room with a view: Tejpal's new living quarters in Goa's Central jail has an ocean view

Post by Guest Sat Nov 30, 2013 11:37 am

he he. well, tonight he will be in police custody in a lockup.


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Room with a view: Tejpal's new living quarters in Goa's Central jail has an ocean view Empty Re: Room with a view: Tejpal's new living quarters in Goa's Central jail has an ocean view

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:27 pm

Brigadier HK (Retd) wrote:he he. well, tonight he will be in police custody in a lockup.
and he will get to finger all he wants with his fellow comrade prisoners.


He will come out with a puliter-prize winning book.


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Age : 110

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Room with a view: Tejpal's new living quarters in Goa's Central jail has an ocean view Empty Re: Room with a view: Tejpal's new living quarters in Goa's Central jail has an ocean view

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