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Main populations, nationally (A) and religiously (B), while World Population Clock surpasses 8 billion (courtesy Wikipedia)

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Main populations, nationally (A) and religiously (B), while World Population Clock surpasses 8 billion (courtesy Wikipedia) Empty Main populations, nationally (A) and religiously (B), while World Population Clock surpasses 8 billion (courtesy Wikipedia)

Post by Seva Lamberdar Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:42 am

A.   Populous countries, about 100 million people or more*:

(1) India ... 1426 million (1.426 billion) people (3.3 million sq km area -- 7th largest area)
(2) China ... 1425 million (1.425 billion) people (9.6 million sq km area -- 3rd largest area)
(3) U.S.A. ... 339 million people  (9.5 million sq km area -- 4th largest area)
(4) Indonesia ... 277 million people (1.9 million sq km area -- 15th largest area)
(5) Pakistan --- 239 million people (0.88 million sq km area -- 34th largest area)
(6) Nigeria ... 222 million people (0.92 million sq km area -- 32nd largest area)
(7) Brazil ... 216 million people (8.5 million sq km area -- 5th largest area)
(8 ) Bangladesh --- 172 million people (0.14 million sq km area -- 94th largest area)
(9) Russia --- 144 million people (17.1 million sq km area -- the largest area in the world)
(10) Mexico --- 128 million people (2 million sq km area -- 14th largest area)
(11) Ethiopia ... 126 million people (1.1 million sq km area -- 27th largest area)
(12) Japan --- 123 million people (0.378 million sq km area -- 62nd largest area)
(13) Philippines --- 117 million people (0.342 million sq km area -- 64th largest area)
(14) Egypt ... 112 million people (1 million sq km area -- 30th largest area)
(15) Congo Dem. Rep. ... 102 million people (2.3 million sq km area -- 11th largest area)
(16) Vietnam ... 99 million people (0.331 million sq km area -- 67th largest area)

B.   Population according to religion**:

(1) Christian ... 2382 million (2.382 billion)
(2) Muslim ... 1907 million (1.907 billion)
(3) Nonreligious & Agnostic ... 1193 million (1.193 billion)
(4) Hindu .... 1161 million (1.161 billion)
(5) Buddhist ... 506 million
(6) Chinese traditional religion ... 394 million
(7) Ethnic religions (excluding main categories) ... 300 million
(8 ) African traditional religions ... 100 million
(9) Sikh .... 26 million
(10) Spiritism ... 15 million
(11) Jew ... 14.7 million
(12)  Baha'i ... 5 million
(13) Jain ... 4.2 million
(14) Shinto ... 4 million
(15) Cao Dai ... 4 million
(16) Zoroastrian (Parsi) ... 2.6 million

*(Ref. A )​
**(Ref. B )
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6586
Join date : 2012-11-29

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Main populations, nationally (A) and religiously (B), while World Population Clock surpasses 8 billion (courtesy Wikipedia) Empty Re: Main populations, nationally (A) and religiously (B), while World Population Clock surpasses 8 billion (courtesy Wikipedia)

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sun Apr 23, 2023 4:37 am

Quite a pressure on natural resources, environment, flora and fauna, food and energy around the world!
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6586
Join date : 2012-11-29

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