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Timed Forced logout ?

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Timed Forced logout ? Empty Timed Forced logout ?

Post by rawemotions Tue May 03, 2011 1:59 am

I was logged in, and had opened a message in a new tab. One minute, it said that I was logged in and allowed to post, but within the next moment, it said I was not logged in and said I did not have posting permissions ?

Is this expected ?

I am using Firefox 4.0.1 on Windows 7.

BTW when you say BBCode is on, does it mean that I can use BBCode language to format the message (similar to HTML) and to any user viewing the message, the formatting will be displayed ?


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Timed Forced logout ? Empty Re: Timed Forced logout ?

Post by charvaka Tue May 03, 2011 3:37 am

rawemotions wrote:I was logged in, and had opened a message in a new tab. One minute, it said that I was logged in and allowed to post, but within the next moment, it said I was not logged in and said I did not have posting permissions ?

Is this expected ?
Nope. Not sure what's going on.

rawemotions wrote:BTW when you say BBCode is on, does it mean that I can use BBCode language to format the message (similar to HTML) and to any user viewing the message, the formatting will be displayed ?
Yes. You can use notation like this:
[b]bold text[/b]
and it will be appropriately formatted.

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Join date : 2011-04-28
Location : Berkeley, CA

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