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Indian Supreme Court decision is wrong

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Indian Supreme Court decision is wrong Empty Indian Supreme Court decision is wrong

Post by Kayalvizhi Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:54 am

FACEBOOK has interesting posts. Here is one I liked

I am reposting an intersting old Facebook post by Satyaraj (not the famous actor)
<<<<"The Supreme court has pointed out that in promoting the unity of India,the common culture and heritage of India,of which the foundation is the Sanskrit language,must play a leading part. Santosh v. Secretary,Ministry of HRD , AIR 1995 SC 293(para26)"
In the wake of the new Sanskrit imposition ,I thought it was worth refreshing this SC judgement. Guys, I am as much as you,against imposition of any language but please watch your words in comments lest we fall in contempt of court. I do encourage all decent and legally hassle - free dissent.>>>

Thanks Satya Raj. The Supreme Courts view is wrong. Tamil is totally of independenmt origin of Sanskrit. So judges are speaking out of ignorance. The judges may know the law but not the history of Tamilnadu or linguistics. They should stay away from things they do not know. Just because lots of Tamils mix Sanskrit words with Tamil doies not mean Tamil depends on Sanskrit. Nowadays people mix lots of English words with Hindi. Does it mean Hindi was born out of English? That of course is wrong.


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