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Who wants to be a Chaddi Hindu? Vishwa Hindu Parishad to create a new "Hindu Scripture" for Chaddi Hindus

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Who wants to be a Chaddi Hindu? Vishwa Hindu Parishad to create a new "Hindu Scripture" for Chaddi Hindus Empty Who wants to be a Chaddi Hindu? Vishwa Hindu Parishad to create a new "Hindu Scripture" for Chaddi Hindus

Post by Guest Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:45 pm

The RSS has decided to delve into the mass of Hindu scriptures to cherry-pick portions that it feels would further its political agenda...The four-member team of the VHP expects to prepare a rough sketch of the “new scripture” in a year. “This rough sketch will then be presented for discussion before the senior leaders of the RSS and the VHP,” said Mishra. “Once it is cleared by them, we will involve Sanskrit and religious scholars on a large scale to prepare final draft of the new scripture. This would be followed by a series of seminars and discussions to collect responses and popularise the text.”


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