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India at United Nations

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India at United Nations Empty India at United Nations

Post by Kayalvizhi Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:51 pm

UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka war crimes softened to allay the concerns of India. The resolution fails to specify the powers and role of foreign prosecutors and judges. India had been at the forefront of efforts to ensure there was no full international war crimes probe in Sri Lanka. This included lobbying by India to change the description of judges from "international" to "foreign" in the draft resolution.


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India at United Nations Empty Re: India at United Nations

Post by Kris Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:46 am

Kayalvizhi wrote:UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka war crimes softened to allay the concerns of India. The resolution fails to specify the powers and role of foreign prosecutors and judges. India had been at the forefront of efforts to ensure there was no full international war crimes probe in Sri Lanka. This included lobbying by India to change the description of judges from "international" to "foreign" in the draft resolution
>>>You are forgetting your cover by writing in normal English. Be that as it may, the Reuters article also points out to the blood on the hands of both sides which you have conveniently left out. India, if it was involved in the softening of the language, presumably has its own concerns about a precedent being set of international bodies getting involved in domestic matters. India is not alone on this as evidenced by other countries going along with this. The US certainly will not go along with an international tribunal judging it on its internal or foreign policies. Not everything revolves around the Sri Lankan Tamil issue when countries take stances, your troll bait notwithstanding. The other point the article makes is not wanting to throw the baby out with the bath water by taking a hard stance. The current ruling establishment is taking a more conciliatory approach than Mahinda and a hard stance could end up backfiring. Even Kerrey seems cautiously optimistic as of now.


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