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Subramanian Swamy starts RS term with mud on Gandhis

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Subramanian Swamy starts RS term with mud on Gandhis Empty Subramanian Swamy starts RS term with mud on Gandhis

Post by Guest Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:05 am


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Subramanian Swamy starts RS term with mud on Gandhis Empty Re: Subramanian Swamy starts RS term with mud on Gandhis

Post by Guest Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:06 am

New Delhi, April 27: Subramanian Swamy should have ideally "retired" if Narendra Modi's 75-year cut-off for a political career in the BJP was a norm.

But when Swamy, 76, spoke on the Congress's first family and alleged they had a hand in the AgustaWestland chopper deal, he answered a long-standing desire the BJP's younger MPs had voiced time and again: confront the Gandhis, regardless of the political consequences.

Swamy, who took oath of office as a nominated MP on Tuesday, lost no time in signalling why exactly he had come into the Rajya Sabha.


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Subramanian Swamy starts RS term with mud on Gandhis Empty Re: Subramanian Swamy starts RS term with mud on Gandhis

Post by Kayalvizhi Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:27 am

Tamil Nadu State School Education Department issued a government order on September 18, 2014 making Tamil a compulsory subject in Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) schools also. Tamil newspaper Dinamalar (April 16, 2015) reported that some of these schools have not yet hired Tamil teachers. State education officers did not do anything to correct the situation as of April 2015. Dinamalar (April 16, 2015) reported that Tamil Nadu State education officials are not checking up on CBSE schools to see if Tamil is taught. State education ministry should ask officials to check each and every CBSE school to see if Tamil teachers have been appointed and Tamil is taught at the required level. If it is not done now, we will face the same situation in 2025 with CBSE schools that we are facing with minority schools this year. I request Tamil organizations to check if CBSE schools are teaching Tamil and publicize it through news papers so public will know what is happening. You can read more about the CBSE schools situation in Reference 1.


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