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Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries......

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Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries...... Empty Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries......

Post by Vakavaka Pakapaka Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:40 pm

.......Being a Chaddi, he can ban Kafir holidays but if he bans holidays belonging to the pampered minority, he is being communal. Pappu and Soonya should organize a beef eating party in protest......

Vakavaka Pakapaka

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Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries...... Empty Re: Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries......

Post by Seva Lamberdar Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:14 am

Splendid idea. 'wonder how many holidays Rashmun and his buddies lost because of this move by CM?
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries...... Empty Re: Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries......

Post by Idéfix Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:57 pm

I don't see Rama Navami and Janmashthami on the list. I suspect those holidays remain. Hmm...

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Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries...... Empty Re: Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries......

Post by Vakavaka Pakapaka Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:12 pm

Idéfix wrote:I don't see Rama Navami and Janmashthami on the list. I suspect those holidays remain. Hmm...
Jalaluddin (Krshna worship) and Aurangajeb (according to Rashmun, he worshipped kafir lingam, so Shivaratri) must be very upset. 

So, you don't take any holidays? Sunday is a religious holiday.

Vakavaka Pakapaka

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Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries...... Empty Re: Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries......

Post by Guest Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:36 am

Vakavaka Pakapaka wrote:
Idéfix wrote:I don't see Rama Navami and Janmashthami on the list. I suspect those holidays remain. Hmm...
Jalaluddin (Krshna worship) and Aurangajeb (according to Rashmun, he worshipped kafir lingam, so Shivaratri) must be very upset. 

So, you don't take any holidays? Sunday is a religious holiday.

I never said "Aurangzeb worshipped Kafir lingam" or that Aurangzeb was a devotee of Lord Shiva in any way.


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Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries...... Empty Re: Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries......

Post by Idéfix Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:47 pm

Guruvu-gaaru, I do take all kinds of religious holidays and holidays for the birthdays of prominent people (e.g. Christmas, President's day, MLK day). That is why I didn't start celebrating the selective deletion of some birthdays and death anniversaries but not others.

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Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries...... Empty Re: Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries......

Post by SomeProfile Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:55 pm



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Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries...... Empty Re: Adityanath bans holidays related to birth and death anniversaries......

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