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Health Care Debate Exposed as a Fraud, Dems and Reps Just United to do Big Pharma Bidding

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Health Care Debate Exposed as a Fraud, Dems and Reps Just United to do Big Pharma Bidding Empty Health Care Debate Exposed as a Fraud, Dems and Reps Just United to do Big Pharma Bidding

Post by silvermani Sun Jun 25, 2017 11:57 pm

The circus sideshow of health care politics is providing yet another smokescreen for the real agenda of the corporate 2-party dictatorship. Contrary to the “different visions for America” portrayed by MSM talking heads, Democrats and Republicans vigorously agree on a fundamental principle: Big Pharma will continue to rake Americans over the coals, with the help of federal government. The health care “debate” has been portrayed as Republicans and Democrats valiantly fighting for the interest of American citizens. But as Ron Paul points out, the actual difference amounts to slightly different degrees of government control over health care, all of it stifling free market solutions and driving up costs. Exhibit A is the recent move by Democrats and Republicans alike to ban the importation of prescription drugs from other countries such as Canada. While the American Health Care Act takes all the headlines, Congress is quietly passing the FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017—the framework of the Big Pharma protectionist racket. As Rolling Stone reports, only a few weeks ago Democrats and Republicans came together to defeat an amendment that “would have allowed for importation of drugs from FDA-approved facilities in Canada.” Senators who supported importation in January suddenly reversed their position, voting no when it seemed the amendment could actually pass. As expected, “no” votes came from senators who receiver copious amounts of money from the pharma lobby.

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Health Care Debate Exposed as a Fraud, Dems and Reps Just United to do Big Pharma Bidding Empty Re: Health Care Debate Exposed as a Fraud, Dems and Reps Just United to do Big Pharma Bidding

Post by Idéfix Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:22 am

This is a bullshit article. Democrats have been calling for allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Drugs are cheap in Canada because the government negotiates prices with companies. The Republicans under Bush 43 handcuffed Medicare from doing just that. 

Both Bernie and Hillary supported measures like allowing people to import drugs from Canada and allowing Medicare to negotiate prices.

One bargaining chip to attract market-oriented Republican votes was the so-called “noninterference clause”—a provision drug manufacturers had a major role in writing and getting through Congress—which banned negotiations between Medicare and pharmaceutical companies on drug prices and prevented the government from developing its own formulary or pricing structure

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