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Any realty crowd funding investors here?

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Any realty crowd funding investors here? Empty Any realty crowd funding investors here?

Post by TruthSeeker Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:42 am

I have been seriously evaluating these.

I am not a speculative investor.

I have over $600K sitting in cash.

I did sign up on Realty Mogul, Realty Shares, and Fundrise.

But still to take the plunge.

Equity investments in Realtyshares look most promising, but the idea of filing tax returns in the state where property is located totally pisses me off based on State specific K-1. My CPA is expensive!

Any of you have any experience?



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Join date : 2012-08-18

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Any realty crowd funding investors here? Empty Re: Any realty crowd funding investors here?

Post by TruthSeeker Thu Aug 17, 2017 12:39 am

Typo. $60K, not $600K (phew) - in cash. 

Finally, put in $10K in Fundrise Income eREIT for 10.5% return.

We'll see.

random experiments in FinTech (thats what they call it now?),


Posts : 1508
Join date : 2012-08-18

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