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All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO?

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All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO? Empty All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO?

Post by TruthSeeker Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:45 pm

All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO?


Do you have it?

How much a role does your ego play in your relationship to your spouse, friends, kids, parents?

Some people find it really hard, may take months, just to use the word "sorry".


Ego, probably is the single most reason for our downfall.

Sometimes - Its not easy to detect esp. when it is between a parent's ego towards child, when you least expect it.

Our ego works in mysterious ways, but here is the real catch:

Since it is our ego, we feel righteous about it, and we are the LAST PERSON who can detect it.

We may have to take a step away from ourselves, not everyone has that ability, and look at our own self.

random findings,


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All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO? Empty Re: All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO?

Post by Guest Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:58 am

i feel bad that the word ego gets such a bad rep, when it's the one thing that salvages you from so much. It's just plain misunderstood. 

Here's more.

Ego (not be confused with arrogance) is life, passion, excitement, growth, drive, creativity, individuality, unique personality and reason.
Saying ego is bad is as preposterous as stating water is bad, because it can drown you or fire is bad, because it can burn you. Ego, water and fire are all life sustaining, and they only bite if they are misused.
Embrace your ego to find the real you and the core of your own unique personality. The process of self-discovery and spiritual growth has been called self-realization; because it’s based on the premise that you are the key to your own soul evolution, furthermore your heart, wisdom and logic hide the secrets to your own growth.
These essential self-discovery methods can’t be accomplished without the embrace of the ego of the self.

Ego is not only your best friend and protector through this life, but through all your future incarnations. Ego is your spark, your fire, your creativity, your individuality and your key soul signature. An artist can’t create without his/her ego. It’s what makes you unique. Don’t ever let it go.


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All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO? Empty Re: All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO?

Post by Seva Lamberdar Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:28 pm

t w wrote:i feel bad that the word ego gets such a bad rep, when it's the one thing that salvages you from so much. It's just plain misunderstood. 

Here's more.

Ego (not be confused with arrogance) is life, passion, excitement, growth, drive, creativity, individuality, unique personality and reason.
Saying ego is bad is as preposterous as stating water is bad, because it can drown you or fire is bad, because it can burn you. Ego, water and fire are all life sustaining, and they only bite if they are misused.
Embrace your ego to find the real you and the core of your own unique personality. The process of self-discovery and spiritual growth has been called self-realization; because it’s based on the premise that you are the key to your own soul evolution, furthermore your heart, wisdom and logic hide the secrets to your own growth.
These essential self-discovery methods can’t be accomplished without the embrace of the ego of the self.

Ego is not only your best friend and protector through this life, but through all your future incarnations. Ego is your spark, your fire, your creativity, your individuality and your key soul signature. An artist can’t create without his/her ego. It’s what makes you unique. Don’t ever let it go.
You are right about the importance of ego / ahamkara in defining one's own personality and how that person perceives the world (things). In the Samkhya, it is essential attribute (one of the three derived natural attributes of prakriti, other two being intellect or buddhi, and mind or manas). It's only due to the interaction involving manas, ahamkara and buddhi (in that order) that senses excited by external object lead to its concept in a person.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO? Empty Re: All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO?

Post by silvermani Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:36 pm

Ego is fine if you limit it to self improvement and challenging yourself to be the best you can be. But when you become self centered and insensitive to the damage you cause to others because of your ego, then it is a problem.

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All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO? Empty Re: All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO?

Post by southindian Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:47 pm

silvermani wrote:Ego is fine if you limit it to self improvement and challenging yourself to be the best you can be. But when you become self centered and insensitive to the damage you cause to others because of your ego, then it is a problem.

That exactly describes the Pussy-grabber in the White House.

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All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO? Empty Re: All Wisdom/Phil Boils Down to Let GO of E in EGO?

Post by TruthSeeker Sat Sep 09, 2017 10:48 pm

tw - nice take. But ego is more often than not equated to arrogance because its a person's sense of self importance.  To say that its better than a low esteem person does not justify it. Have belief in self, but not to the extent that your importance dwarf's others self esteem.

To feel worthless, hopeless - happens to everyone - but that does not mean one loses faith in self. It is circumstantial, and temporary. But to be egoistic is an inherent "nature" of a human. 

Swaabhimaan vs. Abhimaan.

random subtle differences,


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