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He did not pass IAS because of Hindi. Lawsuit filed

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He did not pass IAS because of Hindi. Lawsuit filed Empty He did not pass IAS because of Hindi. Lawsuit filed

Post by Kayalvizhi Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:17 pm

An IAS aspirant, who got four marks less in his final examination, today sought a direction from the Madras High Court bench to the UPSC chairman to provide answer keys to the questions in Tamil. M Ramachandran contended that when aspirants were allowed to write answers in any of the 22 languages of the country, then the answer key also should be given in Tamil. However the evaluators are correcting answers using keys prepared only in Hindi and English, he said. "As a result of this procedure, the examiners could not properly evaluate answer papers written in any language other than Hindhi and English," he submitted Ramachandran said he made a representation to the UPSC chairman to provide the keys in tamil so that his paper would be evaluated properly. But he got a reply stating there was no discrepancy in evaluation. He urged the court to driect UPSC to evaluate his mains exam answer scrips using answer keys in Tamil. He also prayed for quashing the orders that the answer keys would be provided only in Hindi and English and not other languages and for the keys to be given in Tamil for the civil services main examination held in 2011. Justice B Rajendran admitting the petition, ordered notice returnable within two weeks.


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