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Ghost of LTTE haunts India says international security analysts website

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Ghost of LTTE haunts India says international security analysts website Empty Ghost of LTTE haunts India says international security analysts website

Post by Kayalvizhi Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:28 pm

Ghost of LTTE haunts India says international security analysts website Defpro

From "Defense Professionals"

The GoI’s choice to continue the ban merely reflects the fact that the ‘ghost’ of the ‘good devil’ still haunts the Indian establishment. The LTTE is no longer an entity to deter India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

There was no official confirmation of the LTTE support system operating in Tamil Nadu after the war. This makes the entire allegation factually invalid.

It could be politically misused by the government to falsely implicate opposition parties under unlawful activities act. It is very clear that there is no strong national security imperative for the ban and, therefore, it could imply possible political connotations.

Politics of Tamil Nadu cannot be separated from the Tamil nationalist and linguistic identity. The Sri Lankan Tamil issue is a core agenda for all the parities, even though they do not stand on the same platform.

For elusive reasons, the Union government has always been misreading the public perception and sympathy in Tamil Nadu for the political cause of the Sri Lankan Tamils. The current agitation of Tamils over the Sri Lankan issue was the result of GoI’s apathy towards the issue during the war, and following the war over human rights allegations and the war crimes perpetrated by the Sri Lankan military. It is very clear from the consecutive elections that they are not anti-nationals as believed by the establishment; rather they are against the government’s indifference towards the people’s sentiments and rights which are not only pertinent to the Sri Lankan issue, but also other issues such as the Mullaiperiyar Dam, the Kaveri water dispute and Koodankulam.


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