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2nd man pushed from NY train

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2nd man pushed from NY train Empty 2nd man pushed from NY train

Post by Sandee2020 Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:37 pm

He was from India, one 46 year Mr. Sen was from Queens. This is sad.


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2nd man pushed from NY train Empty Re: 2nd man pushed from NY train

Post by Guest Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:53 am

was a hate crime

"(She) said in sum and substance 'I pushed a Muslim off the train tracks because I hate Hindus and Muslims ever since 2001 when they put down the twin towers I've been beating them up,'" the prosecutor said in a statement.


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2nd man pushed from NY train Empty Re: 2nd man pushed from NY train

Post by Maria S Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:55 am

Not just a hate- but a horrific act/crime! Poor man..and what a terrible way to die (if there is such a thing of what is better or worse).

Interesting how there is hardly any outrage (even from Indians) and "sensationalism" related to this news..this did not happen in the "racist" old South- but, in modern NYC.

*Speaking of horrific crimes and attention..understandably there is so much focus and attention of the tragedy-death of the young lady in Delhi. Hopefully, with all this attention..hope there will be more changes (in laws, law enforcement and general attitudes/behaviours)..

Having said is appalling to see how some Indians pretend to be "shocked"..and the hypocrisy- and crocodile tears being shed..asif the "Lallis" (certain daughters of India/World) were/are invisible..sexual violence is my one of fav. writers David Brooks said in another context pretend to be "a visitor from outer space entering a new civilization"..

This blogger says it better than I can..about "Otherization"..(*as he says one can disagree with him)


Rape and general ill treatment of women in India is not at all new. It is just that we, as a society, weren’t ready to voice a reasonable argument against it so far. Personally I don’t think we still are. But that’s my view. However, I respect your right to voice your views, but from experience and my own looking around, a view is strong and actionable if and only if it is reasonable, practical, timely and most importantly open to be amended to account for its contexts. Manufacturing overnight ill thought-out anguished views of hanging, castrating et al as a punishment just reflects our own understanding ( or the lack thereof ) of the law. But that is what we are.

In a society we have built for ourselves, where anything goes and everything comes with wads of currency, to express outrage over one brutal rape and to be ‘shocked’ by it is the biggest lie we are a part of. What really was so surprising? That someone did it? Or that someone didn’t prevent it ? Or that someone will die ( is dead) ? What utter nonsense! All we had to do was to open the windows of our gated societies and apartments wide enough, we might have heard a thousand drowned screams like this one earlier. We have reached where we have to agitate against ourselves. But to start going about doing that, we ought to first learn to accept that we ourselves, all of us, are the part of this system.

More now, in the so-called new India, it has become fashionable to blame the ‘Other’ – the Media, the Governance and by a stretch every other person who doesn’t agree with you. We conveniently overlook that these ‘Others’ weren’t born overnight. The Policeman against whom we were outraging about last week, is the same policeman we paid Rs 200 note 2 months back when we got caught breaking the law. The inarticulate minister who we thought embarrassed us had been a minister for a while. He didn’t just drop by day before yesterday. But we were totally alright with that, we had yet another meaningless cricket match to watch, a new movie to watch. A quick peek at the history of independent India reveals that our idea of activism is an agitated search for a scapegoat. We hold someone accountable and that, we believe, somehow sets us free of all our responsibilities. It’s someone else, invariably. This is what we have been doing every time we are put in a position to cope with an adult situation; we play kids. And evidently, it hasn’t worked. In fact nothing in India has worked except the potential of it being an economic market over the last two decades. As in the past, we just go around otherising a nation – be it a disappointing government or be it the uncouth youth of an inferior class, it doesn’t matter as long as it the ‘other’. Once we have successfully managed to otherise the people, let the grand-socio-cultural-economic-contingents be damned, we then go about imposing a set of our own expectations and values on them that we have accrued by roaming on the Internet day after day, with the privileges and the fortunes we got handed over by our more hardworking parents. This is nothing but puerile.
Maria S
Maria S

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2nd man pushed from NY train Empty Re: 2nd man pushed from NY train

Post by Guest Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:36 am

exactly. you see those mumbling grumbling people in ny/nj subway/path all the time. You just learn to ignore them while not even looking in that direction. Initially I would hold my breath, and be terrified. But later, I would sometimes even sit next to them. Learned to see through them while they are hurling obscenities right in your face. You just think that these are angry victims of their own circumstances, and will not hurt anyone. Never witnessed anything potentially harmful in 6 years that I regularly commuted to the city. You come across these people atleast twice a week.

The two worsts for me are 1) being subjected to in-your-face mumblings by a homeless while walking on a sidewalk. He came towards me all confrontational, followed me for about 10 steps, yelling god knows what, and then walked away. and 2) one hopelessly disheveled guy peed standing next to us in the train, and got out at the next stop. The stench was so bad that we all changed the cars too.

but to think now that any one of them could have been potentially so fatally hateful...


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2nd man pushed from NY train Empty Re: 2nd man pushed from NY train

Post by confuzzled dude Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:40 pm

Vidya Bagchi wrote:was a hate crime

"(She) said in sum and substance 'I pushed a Muslim off the train tracks because I hate Hindus and Muslims ever since 2001 when they put down the twin towers I've been beating them up,'" the prosecutor said in a statement.

Her ignorance wasn't bliss in this case, poor guy lost his life because of her stupidity.

confuzzled dude

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2nd man pushed from NY train Empty Re: 2nd man pushed from NY train

Post by truthbetold Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:44 pm

This was a bizzare scary crime. could strike anyone. hope she is one.of a kind.


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