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Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?

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Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?  Empty Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?

Post by Idéfix Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:27 pm

There has been a spate of privacy violations recently on SuCH, which have required admin intervention. I know this is a much-discussed topic, and there are several threads on it going back all the way to the beginnings of this forum. Do you believe that the privacy policy here needs to change?

There are two key questions:

1. Should admin have the power to delete posts/threads based solely on his own judgment whether they violate a member's privacy? The current policy does not give admin this power; either the poster or the affected party need to ask for admin intervention now.

2. Should violators of privacy policy be punished in any way? One option suggested is a temporary ban on posting. The current policy does not provide for any punishment at all.

Here are some suggestions made recently:

I am torn between the two options, both of which seem evil to me. Allowing admin to intervene unilaterally based on his judgment alone creates potential for biased interventions, while the current policy does not seem to deter users from violating the privacy of others.

What do you think?

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Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?  Empty Re: Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?

Post by goodcitizn Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:34 pm

Banning a handle doesn't work. The same person can show up using another handle.

Admin should have the authority to exercise his own judgment in deleting threads or posts where invasion of one's privacy is suspected.


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Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?  Empty Re: Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?

Post by Guest Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:34 pm

all i know is - this too shall pass.


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Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?  Empty Re: Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?

Post by Petrichor Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:38 pm

I stand by my own previous stance on this.

* Existing policy on affected user or poster triggered removal
* Additionally, Open Poll 80% threshold
* Cease & Desist request
* Punitive Steps including bans (temporary or permanent)

If the affected user cannot be bothered to protest, then I do not think suo moto action by admin is necessary.


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Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?  Empty Re: Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?

Post by Guest Thu Feb 28, 2013 5:40 pm

panileni paparao wrote:There has been a spate of privacy violations recently on SuCH, which have required admin intervention. I know this is a much-discussed topic, and there are several threads on it going back all the way to the beginnings of this forum. Do you believe that the privacy policy here needs to change?

There are two key questions:

1. Should admin have the power to delete posts/threads based solely on his own judgment whether they violate a member's privacy? The current policy does not give admin this power; either the poster or the affected party need to ask for admin intervention now.

2. Should violators of privacy policy be punished in any way? One option suggested is a temporary ban on posting. The current policy does not provide for any punishment at all.

Here are some suggestions made recently:

I am torn between the two options, both of which seem evil to me. Allowing admin to intervene unilaterally based on his judgment alone creates potential for biased interventions, while the current policy does not seem to deter users from violating the privacy of others.

What do you think?

yes to both questions. but since you are highly biased and prejudiced yourself you have forfeited the right to have such power. The thing to do is for you to relinquish the Admin responsibility to someone who is neutral, does not get into fights, and is acceptable to everyone. Someone like Rishi or Impedimenta.


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Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?  Empty Re: Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?

Post by b_A Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:04 pm

panileni paparao wrote:There has been a spate of privacy violations recently on SuCH, which have required admin intervention. I know this is a much-discussed topic, and there are several threads on it going back all the way to the beginnings of this forum. Do you believe that the privacy policy here needs to change?

There are two key questions:

1. Should admin have the power to delete posts/threads based solely on his own judgment whether they violate a member's privacy? The current policy does not give admin this power; either the poster or the affected party need to ask for admin intervention now.

2. Should violators of privacy policy be punished in any way? One option suggested is a temporary ban on posting. The current policy does not provide for any punishment at all.

Here are some suggestions made recently:

I am torn between the two options, both of which seem evil to me. Allowing admin to intervene unilaterally based on his judgment alone creates potential for biased interventions, while the current policy does not seem to deter users from violating the privacy of others.

What do you think?

We can have a poll if you don't want to take unilateral action.
Another way is to add two more members to the Admin team and take a majority decision.


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Join date : 2011-05-08

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Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?  Empty Re: Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?

Post by Guest Fri Mar 01, 2013 5:32 am

existing policy is fine the way it is. if i were you, i wouldn't take any more admin responsibility. as vidya says, this too shall pass. peace.

if you really want a change in policy, do what old sulekha used to do. if there is any breach by anyone, ban bittu.


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Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?  Empty Re: Does the SuCH privacy policy need to change?

Post by truthbetold Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:37 am

I posted a suggestion in dear ... thread.


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