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raga marwa - ustad imrat khan

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raga marwa  - ustad imrat khan Empty raga marwa - ustad imrat khan

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Fri May 17, 2013 8:48 pm

this is one of my absolute favorite recordings of hindustani music. listen to it like you're supposed to - with the ochre twilight sun streaming through your window and at a good volume. the quintessential rasa of marwa is supposed to be heroic and this recording really does justice to its original conception IMO. imrat khan always starts on the surbahar, a string instrument with a deeper tone than the sitar and finishes the alAp on it. when he plays the jod and jhalla followed by the gat he shifts to the sitar. this is only part 1. i am sure the other parts are available on youtube. i have had this CD for more than twenty five years. i listen to it sparingly because it is the kind of music that demands your full attention and all your senses. imrat khan is a fantastic artiste.


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raga marwa  - ustad imrat khan Empty Re: raga marwa - ustad imrat khan

Post by Impedimenta Fri May 17, 2013 10:02 pm

Divine! thanks for posting. Absolutely, my mood today.


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Join date : 2011-04-29

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