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Gandhi and the unruly mob mentality

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Gandhi and the unruly mob mentality Empty Gandhi and the unruly mob mentality

Post by Rishi Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:46 pm

The problem with us is that we are emotional people and refuse to use our heads instead of heart. We place our leaders on a high pedestal and turn blind eye to their shortcomings and are not ready to make Objective analysis. His private life was controversial and his conduct in South Africa was far from commendable. He was a British chamcha in SA.The Britishers were only scared of revolutionaries and congress inaction and cowardly actions only provided oxygen to Britishers. Gandhiji turned blind eye to Mopala goons and was only ready to listen to one community and always went on fast to protect them. He is also responsible for dictatorial streak that congi presidents have and still continues malaise the party. He was cautioned by Ralgopalachari and Annie Besant during Quit India moment not to resort to unruly mob mentality of dharnas, hartals, fasting and demonstrations as this will be a problem after independence. This has resulted in all round indiscipline in the country and we have seen in worst form where CM on Delhi shamelessly went on agitation.] Britishers did not leave India because of any of congi or Gandhis agitation, they only left when they felt that India has become a liability. Most of the problems India faces is because of leaders who lead India before and jusr after independence as they left a very bad example for generations to come. India has been in continuous decline since independence because of wrong policies formulated by leaders after independence. The culture of chamchagiri and hypocrisy existed in congis before independence and still continues and has been a cause of our problems.

Delhi, India


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Join date : 2011-09-02

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