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parking costs

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parking costs Empty parking costs

Post by pravalika nanda Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:04 pm

when the NY times reports things such as "parking costs a 100 bucks month" it just makes me wonder about the diligence of the reporter. are you guys with me on this? every indian person has at some time walked through Jackson heights no matter which part of America they live in. when the hell does parking ever cost a 100 bucks a month in this area!

pravalika nanda

Posts : 2372
Join date : 2011-07-14

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parking costs Empty Re: parking costs

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:30 pm

confession: I have never been to Jackson Heights. Not even once in my near-17 years here. And I always lived within 60 miles of it.


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parking costs Empty Re: parking costs

Post by garam_kuta Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:18 pm

pravalika nanda wrote:

when the NY times reports things such as "parking costs a 100 bucks month" it just makes me wonder about the diligence of the reporter. are you guys with me on this? every indian person has at some time walked through Jackson heights no matter which part of America they live in. when the hell does parking ever cost a 100 bucks a month in this area!

are you kiddin'? no shyt..its a steal.. in upper east 1002X, its just for fri thru' mon PM.. that too early bird special, kiddo


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parking costs Empty Re: parking costs

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:50 pm

pravalika nanda wrote:

when the NY times reports things such as "parking costs a 100 bucks month" it just makes me wonder about the diligence of the reporter. are you guys with me on this? every indian person has at some time walked through Jackson heights no matter which part of America they live in. when the hell does parking ever cost a 100 bucks a month in this area!

nothing beats Kansas. for 400,000 you can get a house with a 1/2 acre lawn - parking free everywhere.


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Age : 110

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