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Telangana Telugu vs Andhra Telugu

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Telangana Telugu vs Andhra Telugu Empty Telangana Telugu vs Andhra Telugu

Post by Guest Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:00 pm

Telangana Telugu: It sounds like a mix of Urdu, Hindi, Marathi and X. It does not share many words with Sanskrit, instead has a heavy Urdu/deccani influence. If you have any experience with Tamil, the Telangana Telugu is sort of like the Chennai Tamil.

Andhra Telugu: This is the X in the sentence above. Andhra Telugu is 'considered' to be the superior form of Telugu. It has many sub-dialects and it's standardized form is widely accepted as the official version, by everyone in Andhra, and in fact even in Telangana. 99.99% of the Telugu movies and TV shows you see use the Andhra Telugu for the most part. To draw a comparison with Tamil Nadu, the Andhra Telugu is similar to the Madurai-Trichy Tamil.

Also, note that people from Vizag, Rayalaseema and other regions have their own sub-dialects.

The only way you can distinguish a Telangana person from an Andhra person is by their language or the food they eat at home. Unfortunately, only Telugus can notice these differences. It won't take more than a minute for me to guess if a person is from Telangana or Seemandhra.


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