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My blog on the comprehensive listing of ancient Indian philosophies

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My blog on the comprehensive listing of ancient Indian philosophies  Empty My blog on the comprehensive listing of ancient Indian philosophies

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:36 pm

Theistic and non-theistic Hindu philosophies(by Subhash C. Sharma), Aug. 3, 2007,
Note:   The references (1, 3-7) cited in the above blog currently use Internet site ‘’ (not ‘’).Thus, for example, the blog "Inter-relatedness of Brahmanical (Vedic) philosophies” in Ref. (3) uses the updated link 
(not Moreover, Ref. (1) corresponds to “Gita as the multifaceted text” with Internet link

: Dr. Subhash C. Sharma 
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6595
Join date : 2012-11-29

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My blog on the comprehensive listing of ancient Indian philosophies  Empty Re: My blog on the comprehensive listing of ancient Indian philosophies

Post by rawemotions Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:55 pm

Seva Lamberdar wrote:Theistic and non-theistic Hindu philosophies(by Subhash C. Sharma), Aug. 3, 2007,
Note:   The references (1, 3-7) cited in the above blog currently use Internet site ‘’ (not ‘’).Thus, for example, the blog "Inter-relatedness of Brahmanical (Vedic) philosophies” in Ref. (3) uses the updated link 
(not Moreover, Ref. (1) corresponds to “Gita as the multifaceted text” with Internet link

: Dr. Subhash C. Sharma 
Good Blog. This is very important.

A suggestion. A bulleted format and a brief description under each section would make it easier to read.
Infact I would even go to the extent of a having a tabular form of comparison where the differences and similarities can be easily brought out.

In a tabular form, the sources also can be listed whether it is a particular Upanishad's or other docs

BTW, I do not see references to Vishishta Advaita of Ramanuja and Dwaita Philosophy of Madava called as 


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My blog on the comprehensive listing of ancient Indian philosophies  Empty Re: My blog on the comprehensive listing of ancient Indian philosophies

Post by Seva Lamberdar Wed May 03, 2017 1:54 pm

Rawemotionsji, thanks for the visit and comments.

You certainly have a good suggestion on presenting the current text on various philosophies in tabular form. However, my initial thinking for the current format was that the reader probably might take a cursory look at this material and then only, if interested, would delve deeper into the subject. Thus, I had supplied the detailed philosophical references (including related to the roots of philosophies, in Vedas etc.) at the bottom of blog.

Incidentally, the basis for these philosophies (including the Vedanta, and even the Upanisads) is essentially the Vedas, as mentioned in Ref. 3 ( and also in

As for the philosophies of Ramanuja and Madhva et al., these are discussed in detail under Vaishanava philosophies as a part of Vedanta (as mentioned earlier in

Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6595
Join date : 2012-11-29

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