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POLICE WARN PROTESTERS: Texas Gun Owners Can Shoot You On Sight If You Mess With Our Statues

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POLICE WARN PROTESTERS: Texas Gun Owners Can Shoot You On Sight If You Mess With Our Statues Empty POLICE WARN PROTESTERS: Texas Gun Owners Can Shoot You On Sight If You Mess With Our Statues

Post by silvermani Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:47 pm

CH illiberals, if you get a strong urge to go break a statue or two please check your state laws before you do so.

POLICE WARN PROTESTERS: Texas Gun Owners Can Shoot You On Sight If You Mess With Our Statues Ranger_statue_in_front_of_Texas_State_Capitol

Texas police academy instructor is letting protesters know that any gun owner in Texas can use deadly force to stop vandalism, destruction, or the defacing of any monuments or statues in Texas.

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Join date : 2014-01-18

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