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Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth.

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Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth. Empty Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth.

Post by TruthSeeker Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:18 pm

Understand the lyrics, or try to, me too:


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Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth. Empty Re: Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth.

Post by TruthSeeker Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:07 pm

Watched Gandhi, the movie, with my son. In 3 sittings. 

This song stuck with me, as it defines a true "Vaishnav". Could never tolerate the caste system in Hinduism. Makes me shiver with disgust.

Time to make a new CD for the drive.

Best wishes.


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Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth. Empty Re: Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth.

Post by garam_kuta Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:46 am

we all are products of our times...different times, different beats to march.. as long as the core theme remains uncompromised, its OK

it's all in your perception...Just like everything else, castes are expressions of sophistication, embellishment refinements diversity just like colors, birds, flowers...  even food menu. 

Would you like to live in a  a perfectly homogenized world of a single clone of everything...


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Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth. Empty Re: Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth.

Post by TruthSeeker Sun Dec 09, 2018 8:57 pm

Caste is not same as discrimination based on race, color, gender - its illegal in USA.

Its widely practiced in a "wise" country like India.

"ANY trait" based on birth, is discriminatory.

I find it shocking actually, that such BS could take roots in a country like India.

Its not the same as birds, and flowers. 

Its like saying a red rose is better than yellow. A blue bird is better than white. And so on. 

How stupid can mankind get?

Hot stupid can Hinduism in practice be?



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Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth. Empty Re: Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth.

Post by garam_kuta Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:08 pm

>>>Its like saying a red rose is better than yellow. A blue bird is better than white. And so on. 

That's what I alluded to as perception - mostly imposed, rather unfortunate.


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Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth. Empty Re: Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth.

Post by TruthSeeker Sun Aug 25, 2019 11:20 pm

I have not overcome anger, and ego.


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Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth. Empty Re: Mahatma Gandhi - Who is Vaishnav? Not a brahmin by Birth.

Post by TruthSeeker Tue Oct 29, 2019 10:45 pm

Met yet another guy in US, who tried some explanation based on "Indian caste" and "surname" business, at work.

Felt like slapping him, at his narrow thinking.

A person (man or woman) is known by their work, not by their birth.

Hate the folks who try to relate based on anything that comes by *birth*. 

Including race, let alone an "Indian caste".


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