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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Hellsangel Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:16 pm

Since WHEN does the "court of public opinion" decide who should and who should not be arrested? This whole story is insanity.

What was the kid doing on the street at nite?
Why is it that Treyvon could be Obama's son but a little white boy couldn't be? He's just as white as he is black... Bigots...

The media ought to be ashamed for taking advantage of a black boys death to promote their leftist agenda.

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by artood2 Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:30 pm

Hellsangel wrote:

Since WHEN does the "court of public opinion" decide who should and who should not be arrested? This whole story is insanity.

What was the kid doing on the street at nite?
Why is it that Treyvon could be Obama's son but a little white boy couldn't be? He's just as white as he is black... Bigots...

The media ought to be ashamed for taking advantage of a black boys death to promote their leftist agenda.

the arrest should always within the scope of the law. "Jury" is there to provide the public opinion within the scope defined by the law/judge.

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Hellsangel Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:57 pm

Another case of Liberal bias and Obama jumping the gun like he did with the Boston P.D. More details now emerge:

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Hellsangel Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:30 pm

Silly Congressman:

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by charvaka Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:36 pm

Hellsangel wrote:

Since WHEN does the "court of public opinion" decide who should and who should not be arrested? This whole story is insanity.
When those charged with upholding justice fail to do so. Back when police refused to arrest people who lynched others, broader national public opinion did matter.

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Merlot Daruwala Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:27 am

charvaka wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:

Since WHEN does the "court of public opinion" decide who should and who should not be arrested? This whole story is insanity.
When those charged with upholding justice fail to do so. Back when police refused to arrest people who lynched others, broader national public opinion did matter.

Exactly. If sufficient numbers of people take to the street demanding that Zimmerman be thrown in jail, then authorities should do as they say, regardless of his culpability. And if the cops refuse, people should string up that man from the nearest light post. That is the essence of democracy. I am Mahatma Anna (and Baba Ramdev) and I approve this message.
Merlot Daruwala
Merlot Daruwala

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by charvaka Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:35 pm

Merlot Daruwala wrote:
charvaka wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:

Since WHEN does the "court of public opinion" decide who should and who should not be arrested? This whole story is insanity.
When those charged with upholding justice fail to do so. Back when police refused to arrest people who lynched others, broader national public opinion did matter.

Exactly. If sufficient numbers of people take to the street demanding that Zimmerman be thrown in jail, then authorities should do as they say, regardless of his culpability. And if the cops refuse, people should string up that man from the nearest light post. That is the essence of democracy. I am Mahatma Anna (and Baba Ramdev) and I approve this message.
Sufficient numbers of people did take to the street and lynched James Chaney, Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman, and more people of Mississippi wanted those criminals to be protected. But my argument is different. Which didn't stop you from making a completely opposite point in order mock my position, so don't let me stop you now.

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Hellsangel Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:10 pm

From one of the comments:

At that point, the liberal outlets like MSNBC, AP, CNN, NBC and others
unleashed an all-out onslaught against George Zimmerman. Even our
current president, Obama had to “stupidly” get involved. The politics
and racialization of this incident has driven this story, more than the
actual facts.
1) Why did they lie to you by portraying that Martin was a Child?
FACT: Martin was 17 years old, a high school Junior.

2) Why did they continue to paint the picture that Martin was a child by showing 5 to 10 year old pictures?
FACT: More recent pictures of the 6’3” Martin show him with Gold teeth
and many tattoos. These pictures have been available to the media, so
why did they continue to show pictures of Martin as a little child?

3) Why did they say that Martin did NOTHING wrong, but carry "Skittles and an Ice tea"?
FACT: “Nothing wrong” means NOTHING. However, not once in the early
stages of this story did they mention a fight. Martin’s father and all
the race baiters knew about the facts surrounding Zimmerman’s defense
and the eyewitness statements that Martin was hitting Zimmerman. How do
we know that, because Martin’s father recently disclosed that the Police
provided him the entire details of their investigation, which included
that Martin had struck Zimmerman. Again, why did they not reveal that
very important part of the story?

4) Why did they lie that it was Trayvon Martin screaming?
FACT: After the 911 tapes were released, some of the tapes caught the
screams of someone yelling help. Team Trayvon was quick to claim the
screams were of Trayvon. They eve trotted out Trayvon’s mother to say
that was her son’s voice. Further, they trotted out a “Witness” who
claimed that the voice was the “child” who was screaming. As it turns
out, that witness did NOT see anything, she just heard it assumed that
it was the voice of a child. Again, not realizing that Trayvon Martin
was a young adult and not realizing that Zimmerman had a high pitched

5) Why did they lie that Zimmerman fired two shots?
FACT: This is another interesting part to this case. According to Team
Trayvon, they floated the story that Zimmerman hunted down Trayvon, and
fired a warning shot which made poor Trayvon stop. Now while at gun
point, Trayvon was pleading for help. At that point, Zimmerman fired a
second shot, thus executing Trayvon. This fallacy was quickly quelled
when the police reported that tests conclusively showed that only one
bullet was fired.

6) Why did they lie that all the witnesses complained that the police changed their statements?
FACT: There were 5 witnesses who came forward and made statements the
night of the shooting. All the witnesses corroborated Zimmerman’s story
the night of the shooting. Some of those witnesses saw more than others,
some didn’t see anything. Only two were eyewitnesses, with one being
the person who was witnessed the most and was the closest to the
incident. His story has NOT changed one iota, and completely finds
Zimmerman innocent. One witness has changed her story. See item 7.

7) Why did they lie when they brought forward a "witness" Mary Cutcher who claimed that Trayvon was the person screaming help.
FACT: team Trayvon trotted out Ms. Cutcher during one of their many
press conferences. Ms. Cutcher claimed that the police “Blew off” her
statements. The truth came out about Ms. Cutcher that she never saw
ANYTHING. In her own words, she never saw any part of the incident. She
only thought that because the screams she thought were coming from a
"CHILD"? Ms. Cutcher, further claimed that she “KNEW this was not
self-defense. There was no punching, no hitting going on at the time, no
wrestling… it's no excuse to kill an unarmed teenager who is half his
size.”. I remind you that according to her own statements, she never saw
anything!!! If she didn’t see anything, why would she claim that
Trayvon was half the size of Zimmerman, which was untrue. This is why
the police discounted her statement.

Cool Why did they lie that the Zimmerman was twice the size of Martin?
FACT: George Zimmerman was a 28 years old, 5'9" and 170 lbs. Trayvon
Martin was 17 years old, 6'3" and 160 lbs. They were using the photo
imagery to paint this narrative. Again, completely false!!!

9) Why did they say that Trayvon was a "A" student that never got into trouble at school?
FACT: Trayvon Martin had been suspended three times in this school year
alone. The last suspension, which is the reason he was visiting his
father, was for 10 days. He was suspended from school in October in an
incident in which he was found in possession of women’s jewelry and a
screwdriver that a schools security staffer described as a “burglary
tool”. So much for the “A” student that never got in trouble…

10) Why did they lie that Zimmerman stalked down Martin, and while
Martin was pleading for his life, Zimmerman shot him in cold blood?

FACT: Two eyewitnesses reported that the person screaming for their life
was MAN wearing a RED top. And that he was being assaulted. The person
heard screaming for his life was George Zimmerman because he was the one
wearing a RED sweatshirt.

11) Why did they not report that Trayvon's girlfriend has not cooperated with the Police Investigation?
FACT: As of this writing, Trayvon’s girlfriend continues to refuse to
cooperate with Police. Only Team Trayvon and their one-sided
representation of what she told them was reported.

12) Why did they lie that Zimmerman was on Patrol when he wasn't?
FACT: Zimmerman was running a personal errand the night of the incident.
He was not on his watch duty. He was licensed to carry a concealed
weapon for personal protection. He had been the victim of crime twice
before. He was driving home and saw a suspicious person in his
neighborhood. He was acting as a private citizen. He has the right to
call, get out of his car, walk, run or do anything he wants, WITHOUT THE
RISK of being attacked by someone else.

13) Why didn't they admit that Trayvon was caught pot residue and suspended for 10 days?
FACT: Trayvon Martin was portrayed as the perfect little school child.
In the 911 tapes, Zimmerman suggested that the person he was looking at
was on drugs. First, Trayvon Martin was far from the picture they
painted. Second, we still don’t have toxicology reports on him. Could he
have been high when Zimmerman saw him? Also, could of the drug use have
contributed to Tryvon’s attack on Zimmerman? More to come…

14) Why haven't they revealed that Trayvon was caught with what
appears to be stolen jewelry and flathead screwdriver in his backpack at

FACT: WOW, now this is an interesting revelation. Here, Zimmerman
indicated that this person acted suspicious. With this is information,
it is definitely not outside the realm of possibility that Trayvon
Martin was actually “casing” the neighborhood. I wonder if Obama’s
look-a-like son also has the same behavior problems…

15) Why did they lie that George Zimmerman uttered a Racial slur in his 911 call?
FACT: Even liberal CNN had to refute this claim as they had an audio
expert try to enhance the audio. The bottom line is the race baiters
heard jibberish, and made up whatever they wanted to hear. Just another
example of how these people will LIE to sway public opinion.

16) Why is the media making it seem 100% conclusive that the voice screaming for help is not George Zimmerman?
FACT: The Orlando Sentinel claims they worked with two experts to
determine that the voice on the 911 is not Zimmerman, as it only matched
with a rate of 48%. The expert indicated that he had to enhance, edit,
remove portions on the one 911 tape. What they didn’t reveal are some
interesting observations. First, there is no way to really now unless
you have a comparative analysis with Trayvon Martin’s voice. Wouldn’t be
interesting if they found no match with his voice… Second, voices can
change under stress because of the surge of adrenaline. Under stress
voice pitches can distort sounding higher than normal. Zimmerman’s voice
on the 911 call is low and hushed, which in itself is a distortion of
his real voice. Under the two extremes, low and hushed and screaming,
there is simply no way to say absolutely that the voice on the 911 call
is Zimmerman’s but neither can you say with certainty that it’s not.
Again, the only real evidence to say it was Zimmerman is “John” the only
eye-witness who saw Martin on top of Zimmerman and heard and saw
Zimmerman calling for help.

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Hellsangel Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:03 pm

NBC has just fired an editor for creative editing. Damn Left wing media!

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:16 pm

Hellsangel wrote:

Since WHEN does the "court of public opinion" decide who should and who should not be arrested? This whole story is insanity.

What was the kid doing on the street at nite?
Why is it that Treyvon could be Obama's son but a little white boy couldn't be? He's just as white as he is black... Bigots...

The media ought to be ashamed for taking advantage of a black boys death to promote their leftist agenda.

hoollddd it holdd it...

Are you saying that a Black kid, desi kid, Osama's brother has no right to be on a street at nite?

Are you saying that the Black kid was "asking" for it by being on the street at nite?

(Thought you were a Soudh Indian who does not subscribe to the Naardh Indian/Delhi police opinion)



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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by MulaiAzhagi Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:31 pm

What was the kid doing on the street at nite?
Why is it that Treyvon could be Obama's son but a little white boy couldn't be? He's just as white as he is black... Bigots...

===> In a free country, anyone should have a right to be on any street at any time of the day or night. As long as he is not trespassing anyone's property, it is OK.

Mr. Zimmerman had no business of accosting anyone on the street and demanding to explain what that person was doing in the neighborhood.

President Obama wanted to comfort Treyvon's parents. That is why he said that the kid could have been his son. That is understandable. How can Obama's son look white?

Obama is not against white people.

There has been really racist presidents in this country. Woodrow Wilson was a racist. He racially segregated the federal government offices and the military.


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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:52 pm

Hellsangel wrote:Another case of Liberal bias and Obama jumping the gun like he did with the Boston P.D. More details now emerge:

Yeah rite..... If Zimmerman (hispanic? really ???) had no gun Martin would not have been shot. at best there would have been a wresting/kickboxing show for a while.

If Zimmerman had not got out of the car he would not have shot Martin. Now, who steps out of a car when a fearful suspect is seen walking on the street?

If Zimmerman had simply let Martin and observed him from the rearview mirror, Martin would not have been shot - wait... this is a Nobel calibre guy who just happened to go to Community college at 28 - so thinking is out of question.

If Zimmerman had simply left Martin alone when the 911 dispatch asked him NOT to follow, Martin would not have hit back - assuming that Zimmerman is telling the truth, as also the hispanic witnesses.

If Zimmerman had a criminal record, why did he even have a gun on him. If the gun laws had been strict, Zimmerman would not have had a gun or shot Martin.

Someone should investigate how Zimmerman is living in a gated community in the first place...perhaps, someone could dig out more dirt on him.

So many ifs and buts...


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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Kris Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:37 pm

Marathadi-Saamiyaar wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:Another case of Liberal bias and Obama jumping the gun like he did with the Boston P.D. More details now emerge:

Yeah rite..... If Zimmerman (hispanic? really ???) had no gun Martin would not have been shot. at best there would have been a wresting/kickboxing show for a while.

If Zimmerman had not got out of the car he would not have shot Martin. Now, who steps out of a car when a fearful suspect is seen walking on the street?

If Zimmerman had simply let Martin and observed him from the rearview mirror, Martin would not have been shot - wait... this is a Nobel calibre guy who just happened to go to Community college at 28 - so thinking is out of question.

If Zimmerman had simply left Martin alone when the 911 dispatch asked him NOT to follow, Martin would not have hit back - assuming that Zimmerman is telling the truth, as also the hispanic witnesses.

If Zimmerman had a criminal record, why did he even have a gun on him. If the gun laws had been strict, Zimmerman would not have had a gun or shot Martin.

Someone should investigate how Zimmerman is living in a gated community in the first place...perhaps, someone could dig out more dirt on him.

So many ifs and buts...

>>>> This story is muddled and I am not sure the media is conscientious enough to get all the facts before the story is put out. That being said, if this Zimmerman was told there was no need to follow Martin, something does smell rotten in the state of denmark.


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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Kris Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:48 am

Kris wrote:
Marathadi-Saamiyaar wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:Another case of Liberal bias and Obama jumping the gun like he did with the Boston P.D. More details now emerge:

Yeah rite..... If Zimmerman (hispanic? really ???) had no gun Martin would not have been shot. at best there would have been a wresting/kickboxing show for a while.

If Zimmerman had not got out of the car he would not have shot Martin. Now, who steps out of a car when a fearful suspect is seen walking on the street?

If Zimmerman had simply let Martin and observed him from the rearview mirror, Martin would not have been shot - wait... this is a Nobel calibre guy who just happened to go to Community college at 28 - so thinking is out of question.

If Zimmerman had simply left Martin alone when the 911 dispatch asked him NOT to follow, Martin would not have hit back - assuming that Zimmerman is telling the truth, as also the hispanic witnesses.

If Zimmerman had a criminal record, why did he even have a gun on him. If the gun laws had been strict, Zimmerman would not have had a gun or shot Martin.

Someone should investigate how Zimmerman is living in a gated community in the first place...perhaps, someone could dig out more dirt on him.

So many ifs and buts...

>>>> This story is muddled and I am not sure the media is conscientious enough to get all the facts before the story is put out. That being said, if this Zimmerman was told there was no need to follow Martin, something does smell rotten in the state of denmark.

>>>BTW, given the polarized debate in the media, I am sensing a Rodney King Redux around the corner here.


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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Merlot Daruwala Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:59 am

Marathadi-Saamiyaar wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:

Since WHEN does the "court of public opinion" decide who should and who should not be arrested? This whole story is insanity.

What was the kid doing on the street at nite?
Why is it that Treyvon could be Obama's son but a little white boy couldn't be? He's just as white as he is black... Bigots...

The media ought to be ashamed for taking advantage of a black boys death to promote their leftist agenda.

hoollddd it holdd it...

Are you saying that a Black kid, desi kid, Osama's brother has no right to be on a street at nite?

Are you saying that the Black kid was "asking" for it by being on the street at nite?

(Thought you were a Soudh Indian who does not subscribe to the Naardh Indian/Delhi police opinion)


Upps Unkil, going by your wisdom, it's unsafe for anyone - black or desi - to be out in the city center after 8pm. They run the risk of getting raped by Muslims. Am I right or am I right??
Merlot Daruwala
Merlot Daruwala

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:49 am

Merlot Daruwala wrote:
Marathadi-Saamiyaar wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:

Since WHEN does the "court of public opinion" decide who should and who should not be arrested? This whole story is insanity.

What was the kid doing on the street at nite?
Why is it that Treyvon could be Obama's son but a little white boy couldn't be? He's just as white as he is black... Bigots...

The media ought to be ashamed for taking advantage of a black boys death to promote their leftist agenda.

hoollddd it holdd it...

Are you saying that a Black kid, desi kid, Osama's brother has no right to be on a street at nite?

Are you saying that the Black kid was "asking" for it by being on the street at nite?

(Thought you were a Soudh Indian who does not subscribe to the Naardh Indian/Delhi police opinion)


Upps Unkil, going by your wisdom, it's unsafe for anyone - black or desi - to be out in the city center after 8pm. They run the risk of getting raped by Muslims. Am I right or am I right??

Looks like your frequent posts that you are looking forward to being raped by muslims... Perhaps, your experiences in the Tora Bora mountains, and your difficulty visiting your "home" as often as you would like to are causing you deep anguish.


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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Merlot Daruwala Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:08 am

Marathadi-Saamiyaar wrote:Looks like your frequent posts that you are looking forward to being raped by muslims...

Nah. Specially not after seeing how deeply it has traumatized you for life.
Merlot Daruwala
Merlot Daruwala

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Hellsangel Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:44 pm

Muted Liberal media coverage here.

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A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article Empty Re: A Very Apt Comment on a Liberal Media Article

Post by Hellsangel Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:00 am

Hellsangel wrote:

Muted Liberal media coverage here.

For if President Obama had a son, he would look like Trayvon, but he
would also look like one of the assailants in that video
. That's the
uncomfortable truth that the black community must deal with: Racism
still hurts us, but not nearly as much as we hurt ourselves.

Would Obama say that though?

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