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chat room romance.. now at its peak

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chat room romance.. now at its peak Empty chat room romance.. now at its peak

Post by chameli Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:26 pm

happened to walk into chat room saw this Smile

pretty much tracy style and its been done to me more than once

this afternoon Friday March 30th

(13:50:46) SuCHat: Bittu logs in.
(13:51:06) kinnera: Thanks for the link, bits
(13:51:20) kinnera: will show it to my boys
(13:51:54) SuCHat: impedimenta has been logged out (Timeout).
(13:52:53) Bittu:
(13:56:21) SuCHat: kinnera is away: inactive
(13:57:54) SuCHat: Bittu is away: inactive
(14:02:20) Bittu kisses kinnu passionately
(14:02:58) kinnera: Lol! kaam karo bittu
(14:03:55) Bittu:
(14:04:12) kinnera:
(14:07:02) SuCHat: maya logs in.
(14:07:16) maya:
(14:07:23) maya:
(14:07:49) SuCHat: impedimenta logs in.
(14:08:08) impedimenta: ewww, i mean nice
(14:08:12) Bittu: hey
(14:08:44) Bittu: i feel shall i say it....
(14:09:15) SuCHat: kinnera is away: inactive
(14:10:54) SuCHat: maya has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:13:10) SuCHat: impedimenta is away: inactive
(14:13:46) SuCHat: Bittu is away: inactive
(14:15:57) SuCHat: impedimenta logs out.

Posts : 1073
Join date : 2011-10-07
Age : 39
Location : Dallas USA

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chat room romance.. now at its peak Empty Re: chat room romance.. now at its peak

Post by Hellsangel Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:38 pm

Where is the yogHurt?

Posts : 14721
Join date : 2011-04-28

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chat room romance.. now at its peak Empty Re: chat room romance.. now at its peak

Post by chameli Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:39 pm

hard to resist hell

like u have said ...all is fair on the net

Posts : 1073
Join date : 2011-10-07
Age : 39
Location : Dallas USA

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