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Beyond Modi, many positives in Gujarat riot cases

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Beyond Modi, many positives in Gujarat riot cases Empty Beyond Modi, many positives in Gujarat riot cases

Post by MulaiAzhagi Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:28 pm

Take Narendra Modi and politics out of the verdicts in Gujarat riots cases, many positives emerge.

The anti-Sikh riots of 1984 claimed 2,700 lives — that is the number provided by the government. The actual figure could be much higher. Ten commissions and committees and more than quarter of a century later, the conviction rate is abysmal, less than one percent. Only 20 persons have been convicted in cases related to those riots.

The police and politicians colluded to manipulate evidence and weaken cases. Under pressure from the political bosses, police recorded complaints in a deliberately flawed manner, refused to collect witnesses’ statements and other corroborative evidence and did not bother to put big top politicians in the dock.

“Though we boast of being the world’s largest democracy and the Delhi being its national capital, the sheer mention of the incidents of 1984 anti-Sikh riots in general and the role played by Delhi Police and state machinery in particular makes our heads hang in shame in the eyes of the world polity,” observed the Delhi High Court while pronouncing verdict in one of the cases. This sums up what all went wrong in the bringing the guilty to justice.

Cut to the 2002 Gujarat riots. Close to 1,200 people, a majority of them Muslims, lost their lives in the carnage that followed the torching of the Sabarmati Express at Godhra. Look at the convictions so far. On Tuesday, a trial court convicted 23 people out of the 47 chargesheeted in the Ode massacre case. Earlier, in the Sardarapura case, a special court had convicted 31 of the 73 accused. As more and more verdicts come out expect a significant number of people getting convicted.


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Join date : 2011-12-20

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