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GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills

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GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills Empty GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills

Post by Idéfix Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:43 pm

The Texas Republican Party adopted a 2012 party platform that contains the following words:

"We oppose the teaching of ... critical thinking skills and similar programs ... which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student's fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."

Parents know best, and we should all stick to our fixed beliefs. Facts and the scientific method be damned. As Stephen Colbert said, some sentient member of the GOP had to propose the inclusion of "critical thinking skills" in the list of things the GOP opposes. Someone had to type it up, and a group had to approve this statement. These words just didn't end up there by accident or because a monkey using a keyboard miraculously typed out the GOP platform.

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Location : Berkeley, CA

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GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills Empty Re: GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills

Post by artood2 Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:27 pm

If you just showed me the text and not the URL, I would have thought it was from the Onion poking fun. Can't believe it is for real!

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GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills Empty Re: GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:19 pm

panini press wrote:The Texas Republican Party adopted a 2012 party platform that contains the following words:

"We oppose the teaching of ... critical thinking skills and similar programs ... which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student's fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."

Parents know best, and we should all stick to our fixed beliefs. Facts and the scientific method be damned. As Stephen Colbert said, some sentient member of the GOP had to propose the inclusion of "critical thinking skills" in the list of things the GOP opposes. Someone had to type it up, and a group had to approve this statement. These words just didn't end up there by accident or because a monkey using a keyboard miraculously typed out the GOP platform.

Not least bit surprised...bcz we have corporate politics at play here for a few months, in which one of the proponents of the change strongly believes "conforming" employees who think alike and not question authority - Oh yeah... an original Alabamian redneck who studied in Texas.

Except this is Kansas which is worse than Texas - and competing with Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.


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GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills Empty Re: GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills

Post by Idéfix Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:33 pm

artood2 wrote:If you just showed me the text and not the URL, I would have thought it was from the Onion poking fun. Can't believe it is for real!
Yeah, I was shocked when I saw the Colbert Report segment on this. So I looked up the party's platform. It is here, in its full glory: Page 12 has the section on knowledge-based education, which the Republican Party of Texas opposes. No fancy-schmancy higher-order thinking skills for Texans!

Other things the Texas GOP opposes: sex education (other than abstinence, of course), early childhood development, school healthcare.

You can't make this shit up if you tried.

Posts : 8808
Join date : 2012-04-26
Location : Berkeley, CA

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GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills Empty Re: GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills

Post by Obnoxious Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:01 pm

panini press wrote:
artood2 wrote:If you just showed me the text and not the URL, I would have thought it was from the Onion poking fun. Can't believe it is for real!
Yeah, I was shocked when I saw the Colbert Report segment on this. So I looked up the party's platform. It is here, in its full glory: Page 12 has the section on knowledge-based education, which the Republican Party of Texas opposes. No fancy-schmancy higher-order thinking skills for Texans!

Other things the Texas GOP opposes: sex education (other than abstinence, of course), early childhood development, school healthcare.

You can't make this shit up if you tried.

That is new low even for GOP & Texas.


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GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills Empty Re: GOP platform: we oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills

Post by Kris Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:44 am

panini press wrote:The Texas Republican Party adopted a 2012 party platform that contains the following words:

"We oppose the teaching of ... critical thinking skills and similar programs ... which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student's fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."

Parents know best, and we should all stick to our fixed beliefs. Facts and the scientific method be damned. As Stephen Colbert said, some sentient member of the GOP had to propose the inclusion of "critical thinking skills" in the list of things the GOP opposes. Someone had to type it up, and a group had to approve this statement. These words just didn't end up there by accident or because a monkey using a keyboard miraculously typed out the GOP platform.


>>> This is going to backfire big time. Absent critical thinking, who is going raise crtical issues such as the kenyan birth? Who is going to stand up to them ee-vol-ooshanists? Some raght thinkin' folk are going to reckon this here has gotta change.


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