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Is WFH such a bad idea?

Maria S
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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Idéfix Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:10 am

Marissa Mayer, the (relatively) new CEO of Yahoo! wants her employees in the office. I personally am more productive on the days when I work from home than if I have to spend 40 minutes each way in a bus / train to get to and from work. With the technology we have now, it is possible to be fully productive from home, and going in to the office is purely for social purposes in my opinion. The days that I am in the office, I spend less time working and more time talking to people. I know those conversations greatly help me and my employer, and are therefore absolutely necessary, but if I did that everyday it would hurt productivity significantly.

I think Mayer's gamble will just serve to accelerate the flight of talent from the sinking ship that Yahoo! has been for so long. What do you think?

Studies show that people who work at home are significantly more productive but less innovative, said John Sullivan, a professor of management at San Francisco State University who runs a human resource advisory firm.

“If you want innovation, then you need interaction,” he said. “If you want productivity, then you want people working from home.”

Reflecting these tensions, Yahoo’s policy change has unleashed a storm of criticism from advocates for workplace flexibility who say it is a retrograde approach, particularly for those who care for young children or aging parents outside of work. Their dismay is heightened by the fact that they hoped Ms. Mayer, who became chief executive at 37 while pregnant with her first child, would make the business world more hospitable for working parents.

“The irony is that she has broken the glass ceiling, but seems unwilling for other women to lead a balanced life in which they care for their families and still concentrate on developing their skills and career,” said Ruth Rosen, a professor emerita of women’s history at the University of California.

But not only women take advantage of workplace flexibility policies. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly as many men telecommute.


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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by garam_kuta Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:34 am

panini press wrote:...........

Studies show that people who work at home are significantly more productive but less innovative, said John Sullivan, a professor of management at San Francisco State University who runs a human resource advisory firm.

“If you want innovation, then you need interaction,” he said. “If you want productivity, then you want people working from home.” ....

very true.. but then one would think video conferences should take care of that, but they don't..probably because people are conscious of the cameras and the monitors.. one-on-one coffee is worth the travel and the cost, IMO


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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Rishi Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:57 am

“The irony is that she has broken the glass ceiling, but seems unwilling for other women to lead a balanced life in which they care for their families and still concentrate on developing their skills and career,” said Ruth Rosen, a professor emerita of women’s history at the University of California.

She is desperate to do something to succeed at Yahoo. Self interest triumphs everything.


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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Uppili Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:22 am

“The irony is that she has broken the glass ceiling, but seems
unwilling for other women to lead a balanced life in which they care for
their families and still concentrate on developing their skills and
career,” said Ruth Rosen, a professor emerita of women’s history at the
University of California.

I have heard men and WOMEN say that a female boss is the worst boss one can have. They seem to be so insecure of capable men working directly for them and the cattish nature of hating other women from succeeding.

At 37, she is awfully young to lead. Life's experiences are an important component and she is just an extended teenager who has not fallen enough times to learn people skills.
Indira is an exception and she at 50 was more mature and experienced when she became the CEO of Pepsi in a male dominated company.
Time will tell how she handles. This was CNN front page news and if she succeeds then other companies will adapt the same strategy. If not, she can always quit citing family and children.


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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Rishi Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:24 am

Rishi wrote:“The irony is that she has broken the glass ceiling, but seems unwilling for other women to lead a balanced life in which they care for their families and still concentrate on developing their skills and career,” said Ruth Rosen, a professor emerita of women’s history at the University of California.

She is desperate to do something to succeed at Yahoo. Self interest triumphs everything.


Self interest trumps everything.


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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Rishi Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:27 am

Uppili wrote:“The irony is that she has broken the glass ceiling, but seems
unwilling for other women to lead a balanced life in which they care for
their families and still concentrate on developing their skills and
career,” said Ruth Rosen, a professor emerita of women’s history at the
University of California.

I have heard men and WOMEN say that a female boss is the worst boss one can have. They seem to be so insecure of capable men working directly for them and the cattish nature of hating other women from succeeding.

At 37, she is awfully young to lead. Life's experiences are an important component and she is just an extended teenager who has not fallen enough times to learn people skills.
Indira is an exception and she at 50 was more mature and experienced when she became the CEO of Pepsi in a male dominated company.
Time will tell how she handles. This was CNN front page news and if she succeeds then other companies will adapt the same strategy. If not, she can always quit citing family and children.

The problem is that women and minorities having been discriminated for so long have the need to prove themselves.


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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Maria S Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:55 am

Rishi wrote:
Uppili wrote:“The irony is that she has broken the glass ceiling, but seems
unwilling for other women to lead a balanced life in which they care for
their families and still concentrate on developing their skills and
career,” said Ruth Rosen, a professor emerita of women’s history at the
University of California.

I have heard men and WOMEN say that a female boss is the worst boss one can have. They seem to be so insecure of capable men working directly for them and the cattish nature of hating other women from succeeding.

At 37, she is awfully young to lead. Life's experiences are an important component and she is just an extended teenager who has not fallen enough times to learn people skills.
Indira is an exception and she at 50 was more mature and experienced when she became the CEO of Pepsi in a male dominated company.
Time will tell how she handles. This was CNN front page news and if she succeeds then other companies will adapt the same strategy. If not, she can always quit citing family and children.

The problem is that women and minorities having been discriminated for so long have the need to prove themselves.

Sure, women have more to prove, women have more challenges, women as bosses can be just as bad as men or even worse..when it comes to everything in the work place (just the methods used may be different).

*Having said that..a good-effective woman CEO/Boss/Leader can be extremely good in managerial skills and people skills and transform the work place structure with a personal no man can -everything from the "physical appearance" of the office, what kind of food is around (!) serious matters like- job satisfaction of the employees - can be good listeners, relate to family-work balance and be more empathetic/flexible..promote good workers/help them to get better skills quickly- improve pay scales etc.

*Three things are key- respect, fairness and likeablility.
Once the "respect" of the boss/employee is earned, percieved as "fair" and is's far easier to work with women on any level.
Maria S
Maria S

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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Uppili Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:11 am

Maria S wrote:

Sure, women have more to prove, women have more challenges, women as bosses can be just as bad as men or even worse..when it comes to everything in the work place (just the methods used may be different).

*Having said that..a good-effective woman CEO/Boss/Leader can be extremely good in managerial skills and people skills and transform the work place structure with a personal no man can -everything from the "physical appearance" of the office, what kind of food is around (!) serious matters like- job satisfaction of the employees - can be good listeners, relate to family-work balance and be more empathetic/flexible..promote good workers/help them to get better skills quickly- improve pay scales etc.

*Three things are key- respect, fairness and likeablility.
Once the "respect" of the boss/employee is earned, percieved as "fair" and is's far easier to work with women on any level.

Okiee.... Forgetting Rashmun Sirji method of explaining for a moment...

What do you think of Ms. Meyer's action and as a Peesichiatrist what do you think of Ms. Meyer's mindset

Point-ukku Vaanga, Point-ukku Vaanga......Razz


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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by goodcitizn Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:25 am

panini press wrote:I personally am more productive on the days when I work from home than if I have to spend 40 minutes each way in a bus / train to get to and from work. With the technology we have now, it is possible to be fully productive from home, and going in to the office is purely for social purposes in my opinion.

I am waiting for your favorite Jerji's response to this! Wink


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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Propagandhi711 Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:31 am

yahoo still has talent working for it?

panini press wrote:Marissa Mayer, the (relatively) new CEO of Yahoo! wants her employees in the office. I personally am more productive on the days when I work from home than if I have to spend 40 minutes each way in a bus / train to get to and from work. With the technology we have now, it is possible to be fully productive from home, and going in to the office is purely for social purposes in my opinion. The days that I am in the office, I spend less time working and more time talking to people. I know those conversations greatly help me and my employer, and are therefore absolutely necessary, but if I did that everyday it would hurt productivity significantly.

I think Mayer's gamble will just serve to accelerate the flight of talent from the sinking ship that Yahoo! has been for so long. What do you think?

Studies show that people who work at home are significantly more productive but less innovative, said John Sullivan, a professor of management at San Francisco State University who runs a human resource advisory firm.

“If you want innovation, then you need interaction,” he said. “If you want productivity, then you want people working from home.”

Reflecting these tensions, Yahoo’s policy change has unleashed a storm of criticism from advocates for workplace flexibility who say it is a retrograde approach, particularly for those who care for young children or aging parents outside of work. Their dismay is heightened by the fact that they hoped Ms. Mayer, who became chief executive at 37 while pregnant with her first child, would make the business world more hospitable for working parents.

“The irony is that she has broken the glass ceiling, but seems unwilling for other women to lead a balanced life in which they care for their families and still concentrate on developing their skills and career,” said Ruth Rosen, a professor emerita of women’s history at the University of California.

But not only women take advantage of workplace flexibility policies. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly as many men telecommute.


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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Jeremiah Mburuburu Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:48 am

goodcitizn wrote:
panini press wrote:I personally am more productive on the days when I work from home than if I have to spend 40 minutes each way in a bus / train to get to and from work. With the technology we have now, it is possible to be fully productive from home, and going in to the office is purely for social purposes in my opinion.

I am waiting for your favorite Jerji's response to this! Wink
feel free to say it yourself, gc. everyone else is thinking about it too.

Jeremiah Mburuburu

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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Guest Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:52 am

Jeremiah Mburuburu wrote:
goodcitizn wrote:
panini press wrote:I personally am more productive on the days when I work from home than if I have to spend 40 minutes each way in a bus / train to get to and from work. With the technology we have now, it is possible to be fully productive from home, and going in to the office is purely for social purposes in my opinion.

I am waiting for your favorite Jerji's response to this! Wink
feel free to say it yourself, gc. everyone else is thinking about it too.
elephant nahi dikh raha. sorry.


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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Maria S Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:52 am

Uppili wrote:

Point-ukku Vaanga, Point-ukku Vaanga......Razz

Vanthu-tenunggo..Vanthu-tenunggo..Very Happy

Just as an outsider..seems like Ms. Mayer can be more flexible with some of the employees who can do the same work-be just as effective and work from home. Not sure if she met with her employees - had town hall style discussions, did anonymous surveys etc.
Maria S
Maria S

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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Propagandhi711 Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:18 am

Huzefa Kapasi wrote:
Jeremiah Mburuburu wrote:
goodcitizn wrote:
panini press wrote:I personally am more productive on the days when I work from home than if I have to spend 40 minutes each way in a bus / train to get to and from work. With the technology we have now, it is possible to be fully productive from home, and going in to the office is purely for social purposes in my opinion.

I am waiting for your favorite Jerji's response to this! Wink
feel free to say it yourself, gc. everyone else is thinking about it too.
elephant nahi dikh raha. sorry.

no spiki naarthindian (also no poo-poo this week - he's backed up, judging from the constipated posts)


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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Maria S Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:36 am

This is interesting site related to Industrial/Business psychology-communications, ta-da, found one about Yahoo...I told you all about workers and "perceptions".

As I was browsing..found this one case study (India-related), kind interesting about "star-performers"..and how to deal with them (anywhere).

It's a bit long... with a lot of dialogue on and on!
Maria S
Maria S

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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by southindian Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:25 pm

Not allowing to WFH takes away a SuCHers ability to be on SuCH 8+ hours a day when in office, so disallowing WFH is bad, bad.

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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by garam_kuta Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:30 pm

southindian wrote:Not allowing to WFH takes away a SuCHer's ability to be on SuCH 8+ hours a day when in office, so disallowing WFH is bad, bad.

HA..HA..HA... Wink


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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Idéfix Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:45 pm

garam_kuta wrote:
panini press wrote:...........

Studies show that people who work at home are significantly more productive but less innovative, said John Sullivan, a professor of management at San Francisco State University who runs a human resource advisory firm.

“If you want innovation, then you need interaction,” he said. “If you want productivity, then you want people working from home.” ....

very true.. but then one would think video conferences should take care of that, but they don't..probably because people are conscious of the cameras and the monitors.. one-on-one coffee is worth the travel and the cost, IMO
Yeah, phone conferences work better than video conferences, in my experience. People are just not used yet to being captured on camera and looking at their own pictures live -- while they have no qualms at all about their voices and words being captured. Perhaps that is because we always hear our own voices in nature, while we rarely see our own pictures live in nature.

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Is WFH such a bad idea? Empty Re: Is WFH such a bad idea?

Post by Idéfix Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:47 pm

Maria S wrote:
Uppili wrote:

Point-ukku Vaanga, Point-ukku Vaanga......Razz

Vanthu-tenunggo..Vanthu-tenunggo..Very Happy

Just as an outsider..seems like Ms. Mayer can be more flexible with some of the employees who can do the same work-be just as effective and work from home. Not sure if she met with her employees - had town hall style discussions, did anonymous surveys etc.
Yes, some jobs cannot be done remotely, while others can be. I don't know how nuanced Ms. Mayer's new program is.

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