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A question for the NRAs

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A question for the NRAs Empty A question for the NRAs

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:53 pm

....How many of the NRAs living in cozy places will be willing to LIVE in in "these" neighborhoods?

"There's too much shooting over there," Young told reporters Monday.
Speaking of her granddaughter, she added, "She's nothing but 6 months
old. How could anybody -- what kind of heart?"

Chicago has seen a recent rise in gun violence -- much of it
gang-related -- and registered at least 500 homicides last year for the
first time since 2008. In 2011, there were 435 homicides.


Posts : 17675
Join date : 2011-04-30
Age : 110

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A question for the NRAs Empty Re: A question for the NRAs

Post by Hellsangel Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:55 pm

Marathadi-Saamiyaar wrote:....How many of the NRAs living in cozy places will be willing to LIVE in in "these" neighborhoods?

"There's too much shooting over there," Young told reporters Monday.
Speaking of her granddaughter, she added, "She's nothing but 6 months
old. How could anybody -- what kind of heart?"

Chicago has seen a recent rise in gun violence -- much of it
gang-related -- and registered at least 500 homicides last year for the
first time since 2008. In 2011, there were 435 homicides.

No one from the NRA will want to live in a place with such strict gun control laws.

Posts : 14721
Join date : 2011-04-28

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