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This Jat woman is really dumb

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This Jat woman is really dumb Empty This Jat woman is really dumb

Post by Rishi Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:38 pm

Is it propaganda or politics? What it is, I’ve never understood, but this I know: whenever I mention I was raised in a western UP Jat family, people are shocked. “You are not like a Jat!”, “How can you be from western UP?” they say. I tell them, you really don’t know how liberal the Muzaffarnagar we grew up in was.
And what can I say of people whom I met after I married a Saiyyad Muslim? On the one hand were those for whom my birth identity did not fit their stereotype. It wasn’t the caste they had issues with. It is what they associated with the region—of Jats being ‘rough’ and ‘quick-tempered’. I should add that they also considered Jats ‘honest’.
My manner, my education, my interests were a shock for most Muslims. They could not believe there could be a Jat who was dignified, who could read, write and think. There were even some Muslims I met along the way who believed I had been “rescued” from Hindus. What can I say about them? Truth is, the environment of my hometown those days was without petty restrictions or conservatism. It was one of learning, engaging and seeing, then believing.
Truth is, I have seen a reality most don’t, having lived on both sides. And much of what I saw would equally shatter a Hindu. Don’t get me wrong: the family I married into are Shia, Saiyyads. They had no issue with any caste or religion. In fact, they would tell me they like everything about Jats; their cleanliness, their habits, their way. What they had an issue with is something else: the way Hindus treated their women.
You see, being Muslim, they could not comprehend why Hindu families feed their women last. “We don’t like this habit of Hindus giving women leftover and cold food,” they would say. “Shouldn’t educated, wealthy, Hindu elite also lead by example and give their women a share in property?” they would ask.

Once, my husband and I went to Pakistan for seven eye-opening months. The way the men treated women there was so different. They were not demanding at all. There were no constant commands like “Bring me hot tea! Get me fresh rotis!” No restrictions on visits, no imposition on planning the future, no dictation on which social circle to develop or how to run the household. All this was left to the woman. And this did not depend upon the ‘kind’ of woman one married. Women, I saw with my own eyes, were all waited upon hand and foot. I distinctly remember thinking to myself: what on earth have we (Indians) done to women? And that’s on both sides.

Then I realised: We must stop focusing just on the Khalapar and Abbu Puras (Muslim neighbourhoods of Muzaffarnagar). We must lift ourselves out of conservatism, stereotypes.


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This Jat woman is really dumb Empty Re: This Jat woman is really dumb

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:14 pm

But did the muslims force her to CONVERT before marrying ? That ONE act is good enough a force than everything hindus can inflict on women.


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This Jat woman is really dumb Empty Re: This Jat woman is really dumb

Post by ashdoc Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:16 am

outlook is famous for these kind of secular rants and its editor vinod mehta is a well known chamcha of sonia gandhi .


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This Jat woman is really dumb Empty Re: This Jat woman is really dumb

Post by ashdoc Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:36 am

Anyway I have posted this on Defence forum of India and Emasti . Let us see what are the responses Laughing


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This Jat woman is really dumb Empty Re: This Jat woman is really dumb

Post by rawemotions Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:08 am

Rishi wrote:Is it propaganda or politics? What it is, I’ve never understood, but this I know: whenever I mention I was raised in a western UP Jat family, people are shocked. “You are not like a Jat!”, “How can you be from western UP?” they say. I tell them, you really don’t know how liberal the Muzaffarnagar we grew up in was.
And what can I say of people whom I met after I married a Saiyyad Muslim? On the one hand were those for whom my birth identity did not fit their stereotype. It wasn’t the caste they had issues with. It is what they associated with the region—of Jats being ‘rough’ and ‘quick-tempered’. I should add that they also considered Jats ‘honest’.
My manner, my education, my interests were a shock for most Muslims. They could not believe there could be a Jat who was dignified, who could read, write and think. There were even some Muslims I met along the way who believed I had been “rescued” from Hindus. What can I say about them? Truth is, the environment of my hometown those days was without petty restrictions or conservatism. It was one of learning, engaging and seeing, then believing.
Truth is, I have seen a reality most don’t, having lived on both sides. And much of what I saw would equally shatter a Hindu. Don’t get me wrong: the family I married into are Shia, Saiyyads. They had no issue with any caste or religion. In fact, they would tell me they like everything about Jats; their cleanliness, their habits, their way. What they had an issue with is something else: the way Hindus treated their women.
You see, being Muslim, they could not comprehend why Hindu families feed their women last. “We don’t like this habit of Hindus giving women leftover and cold food,” they would say. “Shouldn’t educated, wealthy, Hindu elite also lead by example and give their women a share in property?” they would ask.

Once, my husband and I went to Pakistan for seven eye-opening months. The way the men treated women there was so different. They were not demanding at all. There were no constant commands like “Bring me hot tea! Get me fresh rotis!” No restrictions on visits, no imposition on planning the future, no dictation on which social circle to develop or how to run the household. All this was left to the woman. And this did not depend upon the ‘kind’ of woman one married. Women, I saw with my own eyes, were all waited upon hand and foot. I distinctly remember thinking to myself: what on earth have we (Indians) done to women? And that’s on both sides.

Then I realised: We must stop focusing just on the Khalapar and Abbu Puras (Muslim neighbourhoods of Muzaffarnagar). We must lift ourselves out of conservatism, stereotypes.
This article has been written at the most inopportune time and it seems that, it has been written with a motive to sanction the Muslim eve teasing of Jat Girls (a.k.a Love Jihad) that started the communal incident in the first place, by alluding to Hindu women being allegedly benefited, if marrying into Muslim families .  It is shameful and does no justice to the many Hindus killed during this violence.

Muslim religion have their own caste system, Ashrafs, Ajlafs, Arzals, and Pasmanandas. Then we also have Sunni Vs Shia , Bohra, Ahmed divide, with Ahmediyas, Bohras and Shias treated badly in Islamic countries. Their society has its own issues. Author ignores all these. 

Regarding the topic at hand, everyone knows it is stupid to generalize Hinduism that is 1 billion strong based on one person's account. Hindu women in India, at least have one clear guarantee, that their Husbands cannot legally marry another woman while they are still married. This shameful practice is allowed in India only for Muslims. Unfortunately if a Hindu Woman marries a Muslim Man also this guarantee is not allowed to her, unless she marries under common law, which Muslim men never agree to. Worse they force conversion on her, because Muslim laws do not recognize marriages between Non-muslims and Muslims. What a stupid and discriminatory law.

Muslim religious leaders in India, have prevented basic reforms for their women that even other Islamic countries have allowed, all in the name of identity. If with 120 Million they still can't find their identity, something is wrong with their leadership, which forces their women to wear Burqa or watch in the sidelines when acid attacks happen on them for not obeying such illegal dictats. Worse, the leadership sit on the sidelines and allow anti-constitutional Political Islamists among them to rise, even though it is against the constitution.

What the author forgot to say is that, legally her husband can marry three more wives and quickly divorce her under the smallest issue. It is no wonder that Poor Muslim women in Pakistan are allowed some freedom inside the house. That is the only place where anybody hears them. Nobody hears them outside the house, where they are treated inferior to Men with Taliban style laws or dictats .   All Muslim Women have a damocles sword hanging over them. Illegal organizations like AIMPLB (do not understand why we need such a law board in secular India) always work to prevent any reform of Laws concerning Muslim women in India. I even heard reports of proposals to ban Credit Cards in Islamic Jurisprudence meets. All educated Muslims should hang their head in shame and are equally responsible for the state of affairs. Ph.D's are being forced to wear Burqas in the last 15 years. Let election commission announce that all the votes would be mixed and only counted at the state level and that individual constituencies total would not be announced, then we can see how Muslim women would vote! They would not vote for the Political Islamists among their community.


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This Jat woman is really dumb Empty Re: This Jat woman is really dumb

Post by Propagandhi711 Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:11 pm

When you say jat, you don't need to add "dumb"....that's implicitly understood, kinda like cold ice


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This Jat woman is really dumb Empty Re: This Jat woman is really dumb

Post by rawemotions Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:33 pm

Certainly we  can do without this kind of stereotyping. We can say such things about every Hindu Community. The need of the hour is Hindu Unity, and to not openly talk about one's own prejudice that exacerbate differences within Hindus, who are reeling under the onslaught of offensive monotheistic, religions that actively proselytize under the garb of secularism.


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