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New guidelines on Cholesterol...

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New guidelines on Cholesterol... Empty New guidelines on Cholesterol...

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:10 pm

...Looks like the pharma companies have found another way to make big bucks...mega big bucks...

"For many years, the goal was to get the 'bad' cholesterol levels -- or LDL levels -- below 100," Nissen said. "Those targets have been completely eliminated in the new guidelines, and the threshold for treatment has been eliminated."

In their place, the guidelines suggest using specific risk factors to determine who should be treated with cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, and who should simply make lifestyle changes.

Among the four questions to ask to determine risks: Do you have heart disease? Do you have diabetes (Type 1 or 2)? Do you have a bad cholesterol level more than 190? And is your 10-year risk of a heart attack greater than 7.5%?


What about the controversies that Triglyceride and other factors are the real culprits and not the Cholesterol? Also, what about the LDL and HDL "size" and its impact on cardiac issues?

Why this urge to blanketise the use of Statins - anoterh controversy that it "raises" diabetes possibility among many - the ones with family history...

The medical "industry" is catching up with the Wall Street Looters.


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