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Obama's problem

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Obama's problem Empty Obama's problem

Post by charvaka Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:41 pm

It looks like the GOP is digging its heels in, trying to force Obama to agree to a package of spending cuts without any revenue increases. Meanwhile, for the first time in his presidency, Obama is taking the lead on the details from the Democratic side. I hope Obama takes this fight to the people, and explains to the people why Boehner is wrong about this being "Obama's problem."

The ironies are piling up in this debate... the GOP not only wants to eat its cake and have it too; it also wants to take a tax deduction on the cake, securitize it and sell it to investors, use it as collateral to run two overseas wars on debt, cut the size of the cake to save some for future generations, and provide more cake to seniors.

The GOP has a historic opportunity to fix the country's finances for another generation, and they are not rising the challenge because they cannot face up to the extremists within their own party.

John Boehner, the top Republican in the House of Representatives, told reporters that "the debt limit is [Obama's] problem". At the weekend Boehner jettisoned the search for a big compromise deal, rejecting Obama's proposal for a package that would reduce the federal deficit by $4tn over 10 years. The rejection left the Republican party – the supposed party of small government – in the surreal position of proposing a smaller reduction in the deficit, which they now want to see cut by just $2tn.

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Obama's problem Empty Re: Obama's problem

Post by charvaka Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:47 pm

As the debate goes on, it becomes clearer and clearer that what matters to the GOP leadership is political brownie points, not the future of the country.

Mitch McConnell has a proposal which would provide automatic increases of the debt limit without any spending cuts -- after his party colleagues have the satisfaction of "rejecting" a request for approval, knowing full well what would happen. Irresponsible and cowardly is what this plan is.,0,892271.story

Posts : 4347
Join date : 2011-04-28
Location : Berkeley, CA

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