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True secularism finally arrives in India

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True secularism finally arrives in India Empty True secularism finally arrives in India

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sat May 17, 2014 1:05 pm

..a christian behaves like a Christian and a muslim behaves like a muslim and they are all secular. A hindu, therefore, has to behave like a true hindu as well. A hindu acting as a Christian and Muslim is clearly FAKE/drama secularism...and finally it is outting.


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True secularism finally arrives in India Empty Re: True secularism finally arrives in India

Post by Guest Sat May 17, 2014 1:38 pm

Nice! This *is* secularism. A hindu not being apologetic abt being a hindu and doing his hindu thing confidently, without unease or guilt.

btw, YSR went to Jerusalem to offer his thanks to the Lord as soon as he was elected as CM for the second time.


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