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Ebola arrives in INDIA

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Ebola arrives in INDIA Empty Ebola arrives in INDIA

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:57 am

....A native of Theni district who arrived in Chennai from Kenya by air on Saturday is suspected have contracted Ebola and has been placed at the isolation ward of the Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital in Chennai.


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Ebola arrives in INDIA Empty Re: Ebola arrives in INDIA

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:12 am

why are you always such a peddler of sensationalism? even the original link you posted said it was a suspected case.

it's scary shit, but that's all the more reason to be careful with posts like this, especially when people are traveling back and forth during the summer months.

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Ebola arrives in INDIA Empty Re: Ebola arrives in INDIA

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:45 am

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:why are you always such a peddler of sensationalism? even the original link you posted said it was a suspected case.

it's scary shit, but that's all the more reason to be careful with posts like this, especially when people are traveling back and forth during the summer months.

IN epidemics and pandemics, while you wait for confirmation, you put in place practices as if the disease is already there. That is how you deal with communicable diseases.

If it is only alleged, why is he being isolated ? Aren't the health workers taking precautions and wear gloves and gowns and masks ? Why shouldn't the public and travelers take precautions - which by the way attempts to PREVENT the assumed disease. Haven't you seen the Japanese and Chinese travelers in suits wearing masks ALL the time unless they are traveling in the West...?

I would not drink from fountains and public places, and hey, time to practice saying Namaste instead of Shaking hands...bcz a infected person is just appears normal for some 2 weeks, and the spreading is "likely" only when the person is REALLY sick (yeah expect the goalpost to move on THIS one).

Anyone who comes through middle east - Dubai, Doha, Muscat should be especially careful, bcz those are the central hubs these days for Indian subcontinent, European, SE asian, and AFRICAN flights. I am booking tickets for winter and deliberately trying to go through Europe. Call me paranoid but even Chaddi mantras wont help...least of all given the casualness and fatalistic attitude in Indian clinics and hospitals.


Posts : 17675
Join date : 2011-04-30
Age : 110

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