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My Lesbian GF

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My Lesbian GF Empty My Lesbian GF

Post by SomeProfile Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:49 am

Was chatting with a friend 'M' and ended up telling her an old story. Don't have time or mood to rewrite it in proper prose. So, just read the chat transcript below:

12:27 AM me: We were a live-in couple...
and one day, I came home from work and found my gf all excited cuz some old friend of her's found her on Facebook.
this friend was from her freshman or sophomore year in highschool...
12:28 AM that was the last time they had met.
I was happy to see her excitement...
a couple of months later, my gf says that the friend is going to visit our city...
and if we could all spend the long independence day weekend together...
12:29 AM she says that her friend is coming with her husband.
well, the friend and husband come...
and my gf and I go to the airport to pick them up...
and as soon as the two girls meet...
and smile and hug...
there seems to be some electric chemistry between them...
12:30 AM the two of us guys are left just gaping at our women hugging and smiling and talking at the airport.
the friend turns out to be very attractive and feminine in her physique...
but she totally dresses like a guy and wears her hair like a guy.
with me so far/

12:31 AM M: lol yes
keep going

me: so, we spent the independence weekend...
showing them around...
and my gf...
spend a lot of time with Katie (her friend)
all through the weekend, the two girls were inseparable.
I could understand it cuz she'd told me that they were best friends in high school...
12:32 AM and they were meeting after almost 13 years.
but I couldn't help feel a niggling sense of jealousy...
and also a feeling that us guys were kinda left on the sidelines.
the two girls seemed to be totally in world of their own, although all four of us did everything together.
Katie's husband was a nice enough guy...
12:33 AM anyway, the last night that they were staying over at our place...

M: mmhmmmm

me: I woke up in the middle of the night ofr some reason and found that my gf was not sleeping beside me...

M: :O

me: I thought she might have gone to the bathroom, but didn't hear anybody in there...
I waited for a few minutes and heard some noises out in the living room...
I got up and came out to check and I found my gf with Katie on the couch...
12:34 AM they were both in different stages of undressing...
and totally making out with each other...
when I stepped into the living room, they both paused a moment to glance at me...
and went right back to each other...
they seemed to be in a kind of a trance...
I was shocked at first...
and then mesmerized...

M: wow

12:35 AM me: this was like no hardcore porn or soft porn...
it was just something out of a divine play...
art, passion and raw sex...
all mixed together...
as they removed more of their clothes and totally made love to each other...
every inch of their bodies touching, rubbing, biting, caressing, loving every other inch...
12:36 AM and through all this, I just sat on the coffee table and watched the...
barely 4 feet away...
now that I think about it in retrospect, I wonder why I didn't try joining them...
I mean, what man hasn't fantasized about a threesome with two hot girls?

M: lol

me: but at that time, the thought never even crossed my mind...
me: cuz I knew that I was a mere mortal...
12:37 AM watching the play of two goddesses.

M: brb

12:38 AM me: so, anyway... after about an hour or so (I really don't know how long, time seemed to have disappeared from that living room), they both orgasmed... wave upon wave of intense orgasm...
they tried to keep it quiet... closing each others mouths with their hands and mouths and breasts... biting into each others necks and shoulders... as they peaked and peaked again.
12:39 AM after it was all over, they kissed each other and just lay there on the couch... quietly holding each other.
12:40 AM I quietly slipped away, took a whiz in the bathroom, went to the kitchen and had a long, slow drink of water...
I was lost in my world too...
after sometime, my gf walked into the kitchen and she took my hand and whispered let's go... and we went back to bed.
12:41 AM incredibly, I fell asleep soon after, with my gf cuddled up in my arms as usual.

M: what?
12:42 AM that's crazy

me: anyway, the next morning...
we took Katie and her husband to the airport...
12:43 AM her husband was his usual cheerful stuff.
I can't believe he had slept right through the night.
all that scotch he had must have put him into a deep sleep.
thank god, I can hold my drink and not pass out...
or else, I'd have missed that divine... show? was that what it was...
did that really happen? or did I dream about it?

12:44 AM M: why is it divine??

me: the girls hugged and kissed tenderly as they said good bye...

M: its your gf!

me: it was divine cuz it was so beautiful...
it hurts my male pride to say this...

M: so if she had slept with a man in the same manner, it would've been divine too?

me: but I had never seen my gf being so intensely beautiful and passionate and lost during love-making...
I don't think so.
12:45 AM I don't think I could have taken her sleeping with a man like that.
also, it was divine purely from an aesthetic and romantic point of view.
I was still not thinking about my relationship...
it had not fully sunk into me...
on the way back from the airport, we talked...

M: well then it shouldn't matter if it were man or woman

me: and my gf told me the full story for the first time...
12:46 AM Katie and my gf had shared a room in their catholic boarding school...
they had been best friends since before highschool...
one day, in their junior year, they had watched some romantic movie...
like two young teenage girls...
they were touched by the romance...
and giggled and talked about it...
12:47 AM and dreamed about having a similar romance with some guy...
when they reached their room...
they were still giggling and talking about the movie...
repeating the dialogs from the movie...
and before they knew it...
they were mock acting scenes from the movie...
Katie taking the role of the hero and my gf being the natural heroine...
and they kissed...
for the first time...
neither girl had ever really kissed anyone before...
not like that...
12:48 AM and they were surprised by how good it felt...
they kissed again...
and held each other...
over the next weeks and months...
they explored their young budding bodies with curiosity and tender desire...
and they totally fell in love with each other.
they had not even fallen in love ever before...
12:49 AM they were each other's first love.
as I listened to my gf say the story, I couldn't help being touched by the sweet young first love...
how innocent and all-consuming it must have been...
in that far-away boarding school... away from their parents.
such love cannot be kept a secret, of course.
first the other girls discovered it, then the nuns did...
12:50 AM letters were sent to the parents...
Katie's parents came over soon and took her away from the school.
the girls were rudely separated...
there was no forwarding address or number...
they never met or spoke again after that...
they were both heartbroken... first heartbreaks can be pretty intense.
12:51 AM they both went onto live normal, heterosexual lives...
dating other men...
until last night.
I loved my gf a lot.
I empathized with her feelings...
12:52 AM hearing her old story, listening to her feelings and looking at her radiant face in my car, I loved her all the more...
heart-breakingly, heart-achingly more...

M: hmm

me: the next few weeks and months were the happiest days of our relationship...
my gf put extra attention and fun and love into us...
but there was always a sense of foreboding somewhere deep in my heart...
12:53 AM like a stormcloud hovering just over the horizon...
where I cannot see it or hear it, but can feel it in my bones.
six months later, my gf told me that she wanted to leave me and move...
two months after that, she told me that Katie had divorced and they were living together...
as lovers.
12:54 AM we exchange an occasional email now.
I even met them once... when I happened to be visiting the city where they live now.
they were very happy together.
I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy...
and a renewed sense of loss.
12:55 AM but to imagine the two of them being together...
happy and beautiful...
makes it okay for me...
somehow, my loss seems rather small compared to the immense love and happiness they share.
that is the end of the story.


Posts : 1863
Join date : 2011-04-29

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My Lesbian GF Empty Re: My Lesbian GF

Post by Guest Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:13 am

Will read this at leisure. But looks like M might have cooked a meal, filed her nails, watched a tv show, and maybe did the dishes too while you were typing away this story. :p


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My Lesbian GF Empty Re: My Lesbian GF

Post by SomeProfile Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:16 am

Tracy Whitney wrote:Will read this at leisure. But looks like M might have cooked a meal, filed her nails, watched a tv show, and maybe did the dishes too while you were typing away this story. :p

And perhaps, even played with herself in a naughty way, while she was at it? Hope so...


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My Lesbian GF Empty Re: My Lesbian GF

Post by SomeProfile Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:17 am

No responses? Did not like the story or the storytelling format?


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My Lesbian GF Empty Re: My Lesbian GF

Post by Guest Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:24 am

too long. you could serialise the stories perhaps?


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My Lesbian GF Empty Re: My Lesbian GF

Post by SomeProfile Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:29 am

nutmeg wrote:too long. you could serialise the stories perhaps?

Too long? It takes less than 10 minutes to read that story. Kids these days and their attention spans. Gone are the days when people sat through all-night narrations of Ramayana and Mahabharata at the local temple during Dasara. I mean, pure verbal narration with some songs and instruments interspersed. Not even a play or a dance. Not that I am comparing my lesbian saga to those epics...


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My Lesbian GF Empty Re: My Lesbian GF

Post by Another Brick Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:44 am

nutmeg wrote:too long. you could serialise the stories perhaps?

i agree. if this were on paper, i would have read it immediately. not on the comp. my limitation.

Another Brick

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My Lesbian GF Empty Re: My Lesbian GF

Post by SomeProfile Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:01 am

Another Brick wrote:
nutmeg wrote:too long. you could serialise the stories perhaps?

i agree. if this were on paper, i would have read it immediately. not on the comp. my limitation.

I timed myself as I read it now. It took less than 5 minutes EXACTLY. I guess that's 4 minutes too long for today's Internet attention spans.


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My Lesbian GF Empty Re: My Lesbian GF

Post by Impedimenta Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:11 am

SP. story way too long and names of characters are way too unrealistic. please shorten, change and re submit. in the meantime, stop making up theories about chat gropings and stuff...

this forums is full of story and theory maker uppers...


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My Lesbian GF Empty Re: My Lesbian GF

Post by Guest Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:25 am

read it, and awww. didn't know your were such a cheer upper of true love.


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My Lesbian GF Empty Re: My Lesbian GF

Post by garam_kuta Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:56 am

Tracy Whitney wrote:read it, and awww. didn't know your were such a cheer upper of true love. a butterfly, if you will..


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My Lesbian GF Empty Re: My Lesbian GF

Post by SomeProfile Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:31 pm

Impedimenta wrote:SP. story way too long and names of characters are way too unrealistic. please shorten, change and re submit. in the meantime, stop making up theories about chat gropings and stuff...

this forums is full of story and theory maker uppers...

I made up only one name and I had to do that when telling the story to M. I couldn't reveal the real name to her. Normally, I use initials when talking about other people and want to keep their identity secret, but if I did that with M, she would berate me to give her a name. So, decided to tell her the story with a false name.


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My Lesbian GF Empty Re: My Lesbian GF

Post by Impedimenta Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:39 pm

SomeProfile wrote:
Impedimenta wrote:SP. story way too long and names of characters are way too unrealistic. please shorten, change and re submit. in the meantime, stop making up theories about chat gropings and stuff...

this forums is full of story and theory maker uppers...

I made up only one name and I had to do that when telling the story to M. I couldn't reveal the real name to her. Normally, I use initials when talking about other people and want to keep their identity secret, but if I did that with M, she would berate me to give her a name. So, decided to tell her the story with a false name.

wait, who is M?


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