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Pratap Bhanu Mehta: Bihar has shown that this is not a democracy that can easily be fooled

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Pratap Bhanu Mehta: Bihar has shown that this is not a democracy that can easily be fooled Empty Pratap Bhanu Mehta: Bihar has shown that this is not a democracy that can easily be fooled

Post by Guest Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:59 am

The electoral victory of the Mahagathbandhan in Bihar is a potentially regenerative moment for Indian democracy. The sacred ritual of an intensely contested election that enlists enormous civic energy is a riposte to all those who doubt the depth of Indian democracy. The election may have had worrying moments of divisive rhetoric. But in the end, voters made a calm and calculated choice, unswayed by attempts to polarise them. This is not a democracy that can be easily fooled.


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Pratap Bhanu Mehta: Bihar has shown that this is not a democracy that can easily be fooled Empty Re: Pratap Bhanu Mehta: Bihar has shown that this is not a democracy that can easily be fooled

Post by Guest Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:40 am‒-modis-aura-of-invincibility


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Pratap Bhanu Mehta: Bihar has shown that this is not a democracy that can easily be fooled Empty Re: Pratap Bhanu Mehta: Bihar has shown that this is not a democracy that can easily be fooled

Post by Seva Lamberdar Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:44 am

Yeah, not to fool the democracy just campaign on the platform that if other party wins it might get rid of the current caste based quotas in education and jobs (perhaps using instead the economic criterion in Govt. help) and replace the present religious / communal laws with uniform civil code (UCC: one law for everyone, irrespective of race, religion, caste and gender).
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Join date : 2012-11-29

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