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the fury and failure of donald trump

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the fury and failure of donald trump Empty the fury and failure of donald trump

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:29 pm

I love Taibbi's lacerating writing. He is no fan of any establishment politician and was a Bernie supporter during the primaries. Victor Juhasz's drawing is offensive but very apropos.

Two excerpts:

Keeping up with Trump revelations is exhausting. By late October, he'll be caught whacking it outside a nunnery. There are not many places left for this thing to go that don't involve kids or cannibalism. We wait, miserably, for the dong shot.

The party spent 50 years preaching rich people bromides like "trickle-down economics" and "picking yourself up by your bootstraps" as solutions to the growing alienation and financial privation of the ordinary voter. In place of jobs, exported overseas by the millions by their financial backers, Republicans glibly offered the flag, Jesus and Willie Horton.

In recent years it all went stale. They started to run out of lines to sell the public. Things got so desperate that during the Tea Party phase, some GOP candidates began dabbling in the truth. They told voters that all Washington politicians, including their own leaders, had abandoned them and become whores for special interests. It was a slapstick routine: Throw us bums out!

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