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Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup

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Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup Empty Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup

Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:58 pm


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Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup Empty Re: Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:28 pm

Rashmun, do you know the answer to a question on Islam / Muslims in
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6591
Join date : 2012-11-29

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Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup Empty Re: Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup

Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:45 pm

Seva Lamberdar wrote:Rashmun, do you know the answer to a question on Islam / Muslims in

no i don't. i suspect wasting (even small amounts of) water was not a good idea in the desert.


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Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup Empty Re: Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:00 pm

Rashmun wrote:
Seva Lamberdar wrote:Rashmun, do you know the answer to a question on Islam / Muslims in

no i don't. i suspect wasting (even small amounts of) water was not a good idea in the desert.

But I have seen some Indian Muslims carrying home water (possibly the holy water) in large pitchers when they were returning after pilgrimage in the Middle East. Moreover, the Muslims even in the Middle East are known to wash themselves with water before going to the mosque for Namaz. So, your statement about Muslims in the Middle East not wasting water, as holy water for sprinkling etc. on the devotees / believers, does not seem correct.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Join date : 2012-11-29

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Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup Empty Re: Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup

Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:09 pm

Seva Lamberdar wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Seva Lamberdar wrote:Rashmun, do you know the answer to a question on Islam / Muslims in

no i don't. i suspect wasting (even small amounts of) water was not a good idea in the desert.

But I have seen some Indian Muslims carrying home water (possibly the holy water) in large pitchers when they were returning after pilgrimage in the Middle East. Moreover, the Muslims even in the Middle East are known to wash themselves with water before going to the mosque for Namaz. So, your statement about Muslims in the Middle East not wasting water, as holy water for sprinkling etc. on the devotees / believers, does not seem correct.

the holy water you are talking about is known as zamzam water. it is water extracted from a special (and sacred) well. I think it is meant to be consumed, and not sprinkled or used for washing. I suspect your claim that muslims need to wash themselves with water before going to the mosque for namaz is incorrect. I had muslim work colleagues who would go for namaz during work hours; and i don't think they were washing themselves with water before or after namaz. At any rate i have never heard of this.


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Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup Empty Re: Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:22 pm

Rashmun wrote:
Seva Lamberdar wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Seva Lamberdar wrote:Rashmun, do you know the answer to a question on Islam / Muslims in

no i don't. i suspect wasting (even small amounts of) water was not a good idea in the desert.

But I have seen some Indian Muslims carrying home water (possibly the holy water) in large pitchers when they were returning after pilgrimage in the Middle East. Moreover, the Muslims even in the Middle East are known to wash themselves with water before going to the mosque for Namaz. So, your statement about Muslims in the Middle East not wasting water, as holy water for sprinkling etc. on the devotees / believers, does not seem correct.

the holy water you are talking about is known as zamzam water. it is water extracted from a special (and sacred) well. I think it  is meant to be consumed, and not sprinkled or used for washing. I suspect your claim that muslims need to wash themselves with water before going to the mosque for namaz is incorrect. I had muslim work colleagues who would go for namaz during work hours; and i don't think they were washing themselves with water before or after namaz. At any rate i have never heard of this.

I didn't say Muslims need to wash themselves with water before Namaz. I just mentioned what I have seen some Muslims doing before Namaz (using water to wash themselves before Namaz) or even taking water to India from Arabia (as zamzam water to consume later), so your statement that they might be saving water by not sprinkling it on the faithful while praying or as a part of holy ritual does not seem to hold.

Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6591
Join date : 2012-11-29

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Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup Empty Re: Synthesis in Music: Hindi-Tamil mashup

Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:35 pm

Seva Lamberdar wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Seva Lamberdar wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Seva Lamberdar wrote:Rashmun, do you know the answer to a question on Islam / Muslims in

no i don't. i suspect wasting (even small amounts of) water was not a good idea in the desert.

But I have seen some Indian Muslims carrying home water (possibly the holy water) in large pitchers when they were returning after pilgrimage in the Middle East. Moreover, the Muslims even in the Middle East are known to wash themselves with water before going to the mosque for Namaz. So, your statement about Muslims in the Middle East not wasting water, as holy water for sprinkling etc. on the devotees / believers, does not seem correct.

the holy water you are talking about is known as zamzam water. it is water extracted from a special (and sacred) well. I think it  is meant to be consumed, and not sprinkled or used for washing. I suspect your claim that muslims need to wash themselves with water before going to the mosque for namaz is incorrect. I had muslim work colleagues who would go for namaz during work hours; and i don't think they were washing themselves with water before or after namaz. At any rate i have never heard of this.

I didn't say Muslims need to wash themselves with water before Namaz. I just mentioned what I have seen some Muslims doing before Namaz (using water to wash themselves before Namaz) or even taking water to India from Arabia (as zamzam water to consume later), so your statement that they might be saving water by not sprinkling it on the faithful while praying or as a part of holy ritual does not seem to hold.  

it was not a statement; it was a speculation as was evident by my usage of the words ' i suspect' . Anyways, HA has given the relevant link on the other thread.


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