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The evil in the animal lovers

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The evil in the animal lovers Empty The evil in the animal lovers

Post by Guest Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:00 am

'OUR demand is that, once and for all there must be an end to animal exploitation. We still find ourselves in a desert of brutality as well as sadism. Vivisection must be viewed as a criminal activity." Those words, which could so easily come from the literature of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), or indeed any one of the dozens of organisations which today oppose the use of animals for medical research, come from a document issued by the Nazi Party in 1933. Adolf Hitler, in addition to being a dedicated vegetarian and passionate dog-lover, was opposed to using animals for experiments and Goering banned vivisection in Prussia in August 1933, ordering that "persons who perform vivisections on animals will be deported to concentration camps".

Animal lovers often turn out to be people haters. It is one psychological association which connects contemporary animal terrorists like the ALF to their forebears in Hitler's Germany. The Nazis insisted that the idea that animals had no rights was a "Jewish tradition". Rather than use animals, they preferred to carry out experiments on live, and unanaesthetised men, women and children. The sentiment lives on in today's Germany, where one far-Right group uses the slogan: "End experiments on animals! Use Turks instead."


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