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Dr. Robert Lanza and Bio-Centrism: A genius who believes in consciousness and dismisses death and the primacy of matter

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Dr. Robert Lanza and Bio-Centrism: A genius who believes in consciousness and dismisses death and the primacy of matter  Empty Dr. Robert Lanza and Bio-Centrism: A genius who believes in consciousness and dismisses death and the primacy of matter

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:35 pm


>>> The Supreme Self / Spirit (Atman pervading all, supporting all) in V. 15.17 (Gita) is different from the perishable and the imperishable purushas / entities (including jivatman) in V. 15.16 (Gita); which is also like saying that God is in everything as Atman and everything is in God as Brahman, while not everything (perishable and imperishable) is God (Atman / Brahman).

Moreover, as indicated in a blog on Samkara's philosophy (, the consciousness or 'cit', as in 'sat-cit-anand' (being-consciousness-bliss), relates directly to God / Atman / Brahman (the eternal, all pervading and all encompassing). The bio-centrism on the other hand seems to have directly at its heart the idea of consciousness as eternal, all pervading and all encompassing, without once mentioning God (Atman or Brahman) or God's relation with consciousness (as his attribute in 'sat-cit-anand').Functionally, in terms of consciousness, the bio-centrism does not appear to be a great step forward from the traditional idea of eternal, all pervading and all encompassing sat-cit-anand (Brahman / Atman), but merely putting the same thing differently.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Join date : 2012-11-29

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