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Will it be a parliamentary democracy or a parliamentary administracy in India after 2019 parliamentary elections?

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Will it be a parliamentary democracy or a parliamentary administracy in India after 2019 parliamentary elections? Empty Will it be a parliamentary democracy or a parliamentary administracy in India after 2019 parliamentary elections?

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sun May 19, 2019 1:09 pm

In a genuine parliamentary democracy (Govt. by the people with support from parliament), the  Govt. is led by a person who earlier, while contesting the parliamentary elections to become MP (member of parliament) in Lok Sabha (the Lower or People's House of Parliament) as well as running in elections as the officially designated prime ministerial candidate (potential Govt. leader) of his / her political party (alliance), undergoes  scrutiny and evaluation by people (voters) in accountability, transparency and independence etc. and gets voters' approval in the form of getting elected as a MP in Lok Sabha and as the potential Govt. leader (PM) of nation, and to whom (i.e. voters / public) he / she remains indebted and answerable as PM.  

On the other hand, in the parliamentary administracy (parliament administered Govt. which has no voter representation directly during the parliamentary elections), the Govt. is created and functions under the parliament merely in the spirit "a person can become and stay as prime minister (PM) without being a MP (member of the Lower House of Parliament or Lok Sabha)", thus especially the Govt. leader or prime minister in this case is not a MP in Lok Sabha but merely an outsider (even a member of Rajya Sabha or the Upper House which, unlike Lok Sabha, has members not elected directly by voters / public) and therefore he / she has not faced scrutiny, evaluation and choice by voters because of his / her not contesting the parliamentary elections, nor winning a seat as MP in  Lok Sabha, nor presenting himself / herself in general elections as the officially designated prime ministerial candidate from a political party (alliance), but he / she still was hand-picked after the parliamentary elections for the job of PM by party bosses / brokers and special interests to whom (and not voters and general public) he / she owes loyalty / allegiance for being PM.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6595
Join date : 2012-11-29

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Will it be a parliamentary democracy or a parliamentary administracy in India after 2019 parliamentary elections? Empty Re: Will it be a parliamentary democracy or a parliamentary administracy in India after 2019 parliamentary elections?

Post by Seva Lamberdar Wed May 22, 2019 5:23 am

A number of comments on this in FB,
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6595
Join date : 2012-11-29

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