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Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks to his friend Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks to his friend Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Empty Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks to his friend Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Post by Seva Lamberdar Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:16 am

Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks to his friend Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau XX66NSZP_bigger
Was happy to receive a call from my friend   @JustinTrudeau
Assured him that India would do its best to facilitate supplies of COVID vaccines sought by Canada. We also agreed to continue collaborating on other important issues like Climate Change and the global economic recovery.
11: 57 AM - Feb. 10, 2021 Tweet

>>> Nice to see the two countries cooperate to tackle the COVID pandemic and work together to resolve the climatic and economic issues globally.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6587
Join date : 2012-11-29

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