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Congress chief (Congress Party leader and P.M. candidate) poll: it's direct contest between Kharge and Tharoor as KN Tripathi's papers rejected

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Congress chief (Congress Party leader and P.M. candidate) poll: it's direct contest between Kharge and Tharoor as KN Tripathi's papers rejected Empty Congress chief (Congress Party leader and P.M. candidate) poll: it's direct contest between Kharge and Tharoor as KN Tripathi's papers rejected

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sat Oct 01, 2022 10:51 am

There will be a direct contest between Mallikarjun Kharge and Shashi Tharoor for the post of Congress president (Congress Party leader in Lok Sabha & prospective prime ministerial candidate in next parliamentary elections) with papers of the third candidate KN Tripathi, former Jharkhand MLA of the party, rejected on Saturday following scrutiny.

Chairman of the Congress Central Election Authority Madhusudan Mistry after the scrutiny committee meeting on Saturday said the authority had received 20 nomination forms of which four have been rejected for variation of proposer signature and repetition and smudging of proposer signatures.

All rejected forms pertain to Tripathi, Mistry said announcing that there are now two official candidates in the fray for the party president post.

“The last date for withdrawals is October 8. If none of the candidates in the fray withdraw, we will proceed with formalities of voting and election,” said Mistry....................

Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Join date : 2012-11-29

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Congress chief (Congress Party leader and P.M. candidate) poll: it's direct contest between Kharge and Tharoor as KN Tripathi's papers rejected Empty Re: Congress chief (Congress Party leader and P.M. candidate) poll: it's direct contest between Kharge and Tharoor as KN Tripathi's papers rejected

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:22 pm

"Congress President Poll: Contest for the sake of democracy, says Shashi Tharoor to Mallikarjun Kharge" ...
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Congress chief (Congress Party leader and P.M. candidate) poll: it's direct contest between Kharge and Tharoor as KN Tripathi's papers rejected Empty Re: Congress chief (Congress Party leader and P.M. candidate) poll: it's direct contest between Kharge and Tharoor as KN Tripathi's papers rejected

Post by Seva Lamberdar Tue Oct 04, 2022 8:37 am

Seva Lamberdar wrote:"Congress President Poll: Contest for the sake of democracy, says Shashi Tharoor to Mallikarjun Kharge" ...
It will be interesting if there is a leadership debate soon between the two final candidates (Kharge & Tharoor).
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6590
Join date : 2012-11-29

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Congress chief (Congress Party leader and P.M. candidate) poll: it's direct contest between Kharge and Tharoor as KN Tripathi's papers rejected Empty Re: Congress chief (Congress Party leader and P.M. candidate) poll: it's direct contest between Kharge and Tharoor as KN Tripathi's papers rejected

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