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good feels

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good feels  Empty good feels

Post by desi aunty Sat Jan 28, 2023 3:05 pm

here are some things that has made me feel good in recent times

will try to make this a running post. What inspired me to make this post was the end of a migraine i was nursing since last night. It felt so good that i was giddily happy instead of being bitter of having it in the first place. 

- so ya, top of the list - getting well after a hellish migraine

- reading a book. Read 3 this month. 2 non-fiction and 1 fiction. I don't know why i deprived myself of reading all these years. 

- decluttering

two plus years ago, after LXH (late ex husband), i kinda took a harsher look at my finances, with professional help. I was put on an annual budget. You can spend x dollars on travel every year, y dollars on home improvements, and so on... it was more than decided that i have never been able to afford the house that i am living in, ever since our separation when i took it over, and i continue to hurt my retirement by not selling it, even when the market has been so swell. Call me a loser or something, i continue to live here. 

Anyhoos, my bigger nightmare is not the selling of this house, but the moving after it. I envy people when they quickly buy and sell houses and move. For me, it's a nightmarish undertaking. 

So, i decided, instead of calling a dumpster truck when i am selling the house, and having burly folks pick and dump everything, I will do this task slowly. I started the process of - donate, sell, throw. Throw things that are in a bad shape, donate if it's in a decent shape, and knowing that half of donated stuff gets thrown in a river of a third world country, sell it so that you know someone will use it, even if it's extra work and a loss for you, like selling something for 10 dollars, and paying $5.75 for the shipping label. 

Every few months, i get on this project. I have cleared half the shed, 10% of the garage, roughly 2% of the basement, and probably 1-2% of our closets and other cabinets/drawers in the house. A long long long way to go.... 

Every once in a while, i fall off this process. The two places that i use for  donations, they email me every now and then if i have more to donate. Those emails keep me on point and a deadline to plan towards. Also, our township offers free pickup of junk once a year, that's another thing i plan and look forward to. Oh and lastly, anytime i am getting work done in the house and i have to rent a dumpster truck, i go and throw things in that too. 

It's work, but it gives me so. much. satisfaction. 

My friends and family laugh at me when i chose a parking lot to sell something, e.g. a never-used badminton set for $15. I listed it at $25, but a desi woman offered me 15 and i said yes, and the husband awkwardly handed me 15 in exchange, turned back and walked hurriedly back to his car, without even checking it out. All i could say was a meek - enjoy... Super awkward, but boy it feels good knowing it will hopefully be used. Once i was selling a small chandelier (I had bought it but didn't like it much), and it was too heavy, so i allowed someone to come home and get it. Got yelled at by pretty much everyone, so I try to avoid home pickups now. 

It pained me to pack 10 odd pairs of LXH's shoes to donate, but 2 years ago, i could not bring myself to part with them, so I kept the boxes in the basement. Finally donated them yesterday. This time i didn't even open the boxes, in fear that i might keep them for another 2 years if i see them again. 

But everytime i carry close to 20 boxes to my driveway for the donation pickup, i feel so much lighter. These boxes are the amazon boxes, mind you. So whatever virgo-placement that's in me, I feel so much better that i reused them instead of flattening and recycling them on the curbside. 

Little pleasures.

desi aunty

Posts : 251
Join date : 2019-09-12

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good feels  Empty Re: good feels

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:06 pm

It's amazing how much stuff we accumulate over the years  which only clutters the space and not really needed that much! You have taken a step in the right direction to get rid of it by donating, selling and just throwing it away.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6589
Join date : 2012-11-29

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