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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

confuzzled dude
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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Kris Sun May 18, 2014 3:09 pm

confuzzled dude wrote:
Kris wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
What Propa meant was, they could learn a lot from me; As a minority in America, try to be as white as you can, you know like posing as a gun nut, criticizing blacks for violence, drugs, teen pregnancy, lack of family values etc.,

oh it's so wrong...everyone must be like you comrade: supporting status quo corrupt thugs back home solely on basis of some castiest associations and feudal links, hating westerners due to some anticolonial hang ups, forming your political views in america purely out of reactionary fear and loathing of white man, endlessly hating the country and it's systems while shamelessly making a good living here....that's the only way for indians to live.
me criticizing American foreign policy is hatred but someone drubbing a certain community endlessly hoping that will to get him into the good side of white majority is showing love for America. I get it I get it.


Why do you want to view these opinions in the context of whites? Are you saying there are and have been no interactions between hindus and muslims in India that would not have caused someone who grew up there to form an opinion?
Kris, Propa from Vijayawada & Uppili from Coimbatore should be the last persons to complain about these interactions because they probably had none in India. I actually meant black community in my previous response.

That does not mean they not have had interactions. Both these guys have lived in this country a long time and likely have had interactions with different minority communities here as well, which could have shaped their experiences. And I hope you are not of the opinion that any of our views should follow a certain pattern because that is the ethnic thing to do. It would (a) fly in the face of the point you repeatedly make about muslims  having to be treated as individuals and (b) have a faulty premise, as Indians are too recent in this country to have had a general corpus of experiences vis-a-vis the majority and may never have one, considering the socio-economics. Opinions and world views are bound to vary because of that. We have examples of that right here on SUCH. On a personal note, looking at many of Boji's posts, I can assure you he and I are not even watching the same movie most of the time. Smile


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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Hellsangel Sun May 18, 2014 3:20 pm

confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:he should guarantee their safety as citizens with stern law enforcement and muzzle any fringe elements in his party, no more. The sooner ppl start treating minorities as citizens of India and not a vote block, the better.

this i can agree with. but neither you nor i have lived in a country or society as part of a minority population where our physical safety is sporadically threatened. it wouldn't hurt him to reassure them.
What Propa meant was, they could learn a lot from me; As a minority in America, try to be as white as you can, you know like posing as a gun nut, criticizing blacks for violence, drugs, teen pregnancy, lack of family values etc.,

Comrade, you seem to suffer from the minority persecution complex no matter what country you are in.
That's right That's right. I'm the one that pees in my pants to criticize American policies fearing they will come get me due to my non-white/Indian race.

Ha ha. So you think I'm not criticizing American policies now when I criticise the Obama Administration. You seem to have reading comprehension issues, Comrade. Did you want that in русский , товарищ?

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sun May 18, 2014 3:26 pm

Kris wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Kris wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:

oh it's so wrong...everyone must be like you comrade: supporting status quo corrupt thugs back home solely on basis of some castiest associations and feudal links, hating westerners due to some anticolonial hang ups, forming your political views in america purely out of reactionary fear and loathing of white man, endlessly hating the country and it's systems while shamelessly making a good living here....that's the only way for indians to live.
me criticizing American foreign policy is hatred but someone drubbing a certain community endlessly hoping that will to get him into the good side of white majority is showing love for America. I get it I get it.


Why do you want to view these opinions in the context of whites? Are you saying there are and have been no interactions between hindus and muslims in India that would not have caused someone who grew up there to form an opinion?
Kris, Propa from Vijayawada & Uppili from Coimbatore should be the last persons to complain about these interactions because they probably had none in India. I actually meant black community in my previous response.

That does not mean they not have had interactions. Both these guys have lived in this country a long time and likely have had interactions with different minority communities here as well, which could have shaped their experiences. And I hope you are not of the opinion that any of our views should follow a certain pattern because that is the ethnic thing to do. It would (a) fly in the face of the point you repeatedly make about muslims  having to be treated as individuals and (b) have a faulty premise, as Indians are too recent in this country to have had a general corpus of experiences vis-a-vis the majority and may never have one, considering the socio-economics. Opinions and world views are bound to vary because of that. We have examples of that right here on SUCH. On a personal note, looking at many of Boji's posts, I can assure you he and I are not even watching the same movie most of the time. Smile

What...HE talkin about me ? me? no interaction with blacks/hispanics?... Hahaha... Perhaps apart from Maria, I can say with certain authority that I have had the most interactions with blacks, hispanics, illegals, laotians, vietnamese, rednecks, Bangladeshis, Arabs, former prisoners, pole dancers and you name it...... I even interacted with an Ukrainian female just the other day...and I talked about Ruskies, Ukrainian and Crimea..(she was from Crimea with Russian and Ukrainian parents).


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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Guest Sun May 18, 2014 3:52 pm

Kris wrote:
Rashmun wrote:Another area to watch closely will be the Modi government's attitude towards law and order, and especially the right of vulnerable citizens - women, minorities, adivasis and dalits - to security, justice and equity.

Mr Modi lost a golden opportunity during the election campaign to assure India's Muslims that they would be safe under him when his attention was drawn to VHP leader Pravin Togadia's suggestion that violence be used to evict a Muslim family in Bhavnagar that had bought a house in a so-called Hindu area.

As Gujarat's Chief Minister and Home Minister, Mr Modi could have reached out to the Muslim family and assured them - and by extension all of India's Muslims - that they had the right to live and work wherever they liked in India and that he would defend their right to do so. Sadly, he made no such effort. All he did was tweet his disapproval of those "claiming to be BJP's well wishers [who] are deviating the campaign from the issues of development & good governance."

Will Mr Modi as Prime Minister be more concerned about the insecurity Indian Muslims feel than he was as a candidate for the job? Will he find a way to reach out to this crucial section of the population which today views him with distrust? Or will he regard any talk about addressing their concerns and fears as "appeasement"?

Mr Modi's critics can be forgiven for feeling a knot in their stomach today but this is not the first time the Indian electorate has ignored the unpleasant baggage a candidate brings and been seduced by the dream of technology, development and corruption-free government.

In December 1984, Rajiv Gandhi won 404 seats barely a month after his Congress party presided over the mass murder of Sikhs in Delhi, Kanpur, Bokaro and other north Indian cities. Rajiv was an attractive figure for young voters who embodied the same kind of technocratic promise that Mr Modi does today. The mandate Rajiv received was even more decisive. He ran a government with virtually no checks and balances, and was the darling of the corporate sector. But as his failures mounted, the temptation to create diversions and play the politics of vote-banks proved irresistible.

>>> I just looked up Varadarajan's background and considering that it is surprising that he lacks perspective when it comes to governance. Ensuring minority rights is one thing but running round and round this mulberry bush to the exclusion of everything else is not what a leader is elected for. The disapproval of Togadia in the middle of running a political campaign reflects where Modi stands on the issue. I am not sure what SV wants him to do.  Dreams of technology, development and corruption-free government are not fantasies. They are legitimate dreams and goals.  It's almost like in Varadarajan's world, every CEO would have to move his desk to the HR dept and focus on the minutiae of compliance with ADA rules and stop worrying about manufacturing, marketing and finance.

Varadarajan' overall riticism of Modi is multipronged. What I gave was only aspect. Here are some other points he makes about Modi:

As long as the Indian economy was maintaining a high rate of growth during the first term of the Manmohan Singh government, the biggest Indian companies were able to enjoy both “normal” profitability and a “crony premium.” But the joint effect of the 2008 global slowdown on inflation, and interest rates, and the blow that Radiagate, the CAG, public opinion, and a more vigilant judiciary have delivered from 2009 onwards has fatally compromised this cosy revenue model. The arraignment of the Sahara group by the Securities and Exchange Board of India and the jailing of its boss, Subrata Roy, by the Supreme Court on contempt charges is perhaps the most dramatic example of how the terrain for big business is changing. To be sure, Manmohan Singh and Finance Minister P. Chidambaram were aware of the brewing disquiet in the corporate sector and tried to tackle the problem at the easier end by creating the Cabinet Committee on Investment and making rent-friendly changes in key ministries like Petroleum and Natural Gas and Environment and Forests. But this has not been enough to restore the confidence of India Inc in the Congress party’s ability to restore the status quo ante.

It is hardly surprising that this is the time the name of Narendra Modi as a potential Prime Minister of India enters public discourse in a determined fashion. Egged on by corporate sponsors as well as by the personal preferences of their proprietors, big media swung into action to take the process of “normalizing” Modi to its logical conclusion. Barely nine years earlier, the Gujarat Chief Minister and the massacres he failed to prevent were universally acknowledged by the media as having played a key role in the defeat of the National Democratic Alliance government at the Centre in 2004. The problem was how to convince the same urban middle class India, which is repelled by the spectre of communal violence, that the solution to India’s problems lies in Modi’s leadership. This is how the myth of the ‘Gujarat model of development’ came in handy. “Today people are talking about the China model of development in Gujarat,” Anand Mahindra of Mahindra and Mahindra told the 2013 Vibrant Gujarat summit. “But the day is not far when people will talk about Gujarat model of growth in China.”

Enough has been said and written about the statistical legerdemain that underlies Modi’s fanciful claims as an administrator who has transformed Gujarat. But in praising their Leader in this way, Corporate India is making an inadvertent admission: that what they admire the most about Modi is his love for the “Chinese model.” What is this model? It is one in which “clearances” for land, mines and the environment don’t matter. It is one in which awkward questions about gas pricing are never asked, let alone answered. Unlike the growing public support for strong institutional action against corruption that lies at the root of the visible disenchantment with the Congress, Corporate India is not interested in an end to “corruption” as such. Cronyism and rent-seeking have become an integral part of the way our biggest companies do business – a sort of ‘capitalism with Indian characteristics’ – and they are looking to Modi to run this system in a decisive, stable and predictable manner. What they want is a Leader who will manage contradictions and institutional obstacles as and when they emerge. The communalism of the hordes who follow the Modi cult is an added attraction for his corporate backers, provided the Leader is able to keep his flock in check. This is something Atal Bihari Vajpayee and even L.K. Advani were not always capable of doing. Narendra Modi is a more decisive and strong-willed man. He can be counted upon to keenly calibrate their deployment whenever a crisis requires a diversion.

Postscript: As this issue was going to press came news that N.K. Singh, the bureaucrat-turned-politician, who is heard on the Radia tapes trying to influence the course of a parliamentary debate on a matter concerning Reliance, has joined the Bharatiya Janata Party.


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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Guest Sun May 18, 2014 5:42 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:

Simultaneously, BJP leaders Venkaiah Naidu, Kalraj Mishra and Harsh Vardhan visited ‘Keshav Kunj’, the RSS office here at Jhandelwalan, for talks with senior functionaries.

“I have come to meet seniors. The RSS never gets into things like Cabinet formation,” said Mr. Naidu talking to reporters after meeting RSS leaders.

Harsh Vardhan said that the BJP leaders keep visiting the RSS office from time to time and downplayed talk that the visits were linked to Cabinet formation exercise.

RSS sources said Bhagwat had created a team headed by Soni to facilitate Cabinet formation and work out coalition details with allies. Those in the team include Ram Madhav, ideologue Dattatreya Hosabale and RSS national executive member Arun Kumar.

Mohan Bhagwat is the RSS chief.


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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by confuzzled dude Sun May 18, 2014 6:18 pm

Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:

this i can agree with. but neither you nor i have lived in a country or society as part of a minority population where our physical safety is sporadically threatened. it wouldn't hurt him to reassure them.
What Propa meant was, they could learn a lot from me; As a minority in America, try to be as white as you can, you know like posing as a gun nut, criticizing blacks for violence, drugs, teen pregnancy, lack of family values etc.,

Comrade, you seem to suffer from the minority persecution complex no matter what country you are in.
That's right That's right. I'm the one that pees in my pants to criticize American policies fearing they will come get me due to my non-white/Indian race.

Ha ha. So you think I'm not criticizing American policies now when I criticise the Obama Administration. You seem to have reading comprehension issues, Comrade. Did you want that in русский , товарищ?
Where did I say that? gummadi kayala donga ante bhujalu tadumukunnatlu-undi tamari answer. Ask your buddy to translate it for you.

confuzzled dude

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Hellsangel Sun May 18, 2014 6:25 pm

confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
What Propa meant was, they could learn a lot from me; As a minority in America, try to be as white as you can, you know like posing as a gun nut, criticizing blacks for violence, drugs, teen pregnancy, lack of family values etc.,

Comrade, you seem to suffer from the minority persecution complex no matter what country you are in.
That's right That's right. I'm the one that pees in my pants to criticize American policies fearing they will come get me due to my non-white/Indian race.

Ha ha. So you think I'm not criticizing American policies now when I criticise the Obama Administration. You seem to have reading comprehension issues, Comrade. Did you want that in русский , товарищ?

Where did I say that? gummadi kayala donga ante bhujalu tadumukunnatlu-undi tamari answer. Ask your buddy to translate it for you.

My apologies. You said something about *how you like* crying out like the boy cried wolf.

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by confuzzled dude Sun May 18, 2014 6:40 pm

Kris wrote:

That does not mean they not have had interactions. Both these guys have lived in this country a long time and likely have had interactions with different minority communities here as well, which could have shaped their experiences.
Now we moved on to interactions in the US?
Kris wrote:
And I hope you are not of the opinion that any of our views should follow a certain pattern because that is the ethnic thing to do.
Have you noticed the pattern & utter balderdash spouted by Propa & HA routinely questioning my integrity,allegiances, calling me commie because my opinions don't align with theirs.
Kris wrote:
It would (a) fly in the face of the point you repeatedly make about muslims  having to be treated as individuals and (b) have a faulty premise, as Indians are too recent in this country to have had a general corpus of experiences vis-a-vis the majority and may never have one, considering the socio-economics. Opinions and world views are bound to vary because of that. We have examples of that right here on SUCH. On a personal note, looking at many of Boji's posts, I can assure you he and I are not even watching the same movie most of the time. Smile
Sure but I did not call every poster on SuCH a coconut just as I don't call every muslim a terrorist; Osama, Kasab were terrorists Zakaria is not.

confuzzled dude

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Hellsangel Sun May 18, 2014 6:47 pm

confuzzled dude wrote:
...Propa & HA routinely questioning my integrity,allegiances, calling me commie because my opinions don't align with theirs.

Awww! Your feelings are hurt, Comrade?

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by confuzzled dude Sun May 18, 2014 6:52 pm

Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
...Propa & HA routinely questioning my integrity,allegiances, calling me commie because my opinions don't align with theirs.

Awww! Your feelings are hurt, Comrade?
Nope, I was answering Kris's question..

confuzzled dude

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by confuzzled dude Sun May 18, 2014 6:54 pm

Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:

Comrade, you seem to suffer from the minority persecution complex no matter what country you are in.
That's right That's right. I'm the one that pees in my pants to criticize American policies fearing they will come get me due to my non-white/Indian race.

Ha ha. So you think I'm not criticizing American policies now when I criticise the Obama Administration. You seem to have reading comprehension issues, Comrade. Did you want that in русский , товарищ?

Where did I say that? gummadi kayala donga ante bhujalu tadumukunnatlu-undi tamari answer. Ask your buddy to translate it for you.

My apologies. You said something about *how you like* crying out like the boy cried wolf.
not even close.. it is a telugu saying, Vakavaka might be able to translate eloquently.

confuzzled dude

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Hellsangel Sun May 18, 2014 7:05 pm

confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
That's right That's right. I'm the one that pees in my pants to criticize American policies fearing they will come get me due to my non-white/Indian race.

Ha ha. So you think I'm not criticizing American policies now when I criticise the Obama Administration. You seem to have reading comprehension issues, Comrade. Did you want that in русский , товарищ?

Where did I say that? gummadi kayala donga ante bhujalu tadumukunnatlu-undi tamari answer. Ask your buddy to translate it for you.

My apologies. You said something about *how you like* crying out like the boy cried wolf.
not even close.. it is a telugu saying, Vakavaka might be able to translate eloquently.

Dear Comrade with reading comprehension, I wasn't translating what you said. I was replying to the first part which I now bolded for your comprehension.

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Hellsangel Sun May 18, 2014 7:07 pm

confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
...Propa & HA routinely questioning my integrity,allegiances, calling me commie because my opinions don't align with theirs.

Awww! Your feelings are hurt, Comrade?
Nope, I was answering Kris's question..
If this is how you react when your feelings aren't hurt , Comrade, I wonder how you do react when they are hurt.

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by confuzzled dude Sun May 18, 2014 7:17 pm

Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
...Propa & HA routinely questioning my integrity,allegiances, calling me commie because my opinions don't align with theirs.

Awww! Your feelings are hurt, Comrade?
Nope, I was answering Kris's question..
If this is how you react when your feelings aren't hurt , Comrade, I wonder how you do react when they are hurt.
I was explaining how poor Propa, living in a red state, might've felt unsafe not criticizing anything muslim or blurting out anti-gun sentiments with no assurances from their wing-nut Governor at the helm and your fears are even worse, yo don't even want to reveal anything Razz

confuzzled dude

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Hellsangel Sun May 18, 2014 7:27 pm

confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
...Propa & HA routinely questioning my integrity,allegiances, calling me commie because my opinions don't align with theirs.

Awww! Your feelings are hurt, Comrade?
Nope, I was answering Kris's question..
If this is how you react when your feelings aren't hurt , Comrade, I wonder how you do react when they are hurt.
I was explaining how poor Propa, living in a red state, might've felt unsafe not criticizing anything muslim or blurting out anti-gun sentiments with no assurances from their wing-nut Governor at the helm and your fears are even worse, yo don't even want to reveal anything Razz

They indoctrinate you well at the Friday sermons, Comrade. Anyone who holds views against yours must be doing so out of fear is what they teach you, I guess.

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by confuzzled dude Sun May 18, 2014 7:35 pm

Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:

Awww! Your feelings are hurt, Comrade?
Nope, I was answering Kris's question..
If this is how you react when your feelings aren't hurt , Comrade, I wonder how you do react when they are hurt.
I was explaining how poor Propa, living in a red state, might've felt unsafe not criticizing anything muslim or blurting out anti-gun sentiments with no assurances from their wing-nut Governor at the helm and your fears are even worse, yo don't even want to reveal anything Razz

They indoctrinate you well at the Friday sermons, Comrade. Anyone who holds views against yours must be doing so out of fear is what they teach you, I guess.
not really; those were his words, check his earlier post, you need to read between the lines though, poor thing he sounded traumatic.

confuzzled dude

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Hellsangel Sun May 18, 2014 7:56 pm

confuzzled dude wrote:not really; those were his words, check his earlier post, you need to read between the lines though, poor thing he sounded traumatic.
With your reading comprehension issues, Comrade, you shouldn't really be trying to read between the lines.

That would be akin to what people call looking London talking Tokyo.

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Kris Sun May 18, 2014 9:59 pm

confuzzled dude wrote:
Kris wrote:

That does not mean they not have had interactions. Both these guys have lived in this country a long time and likely have had interactions with different minority communities here as well, which could have shaped their experiences.
Now we moved on to interactions in the US?

Ok, I am confused now. I thought you said you were referring to blacks in this country in your post.


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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by confuzzled dude Sun May 18, 2014 11:11 pm

Kris wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Kris wrote:

That does not mean they not have had interactions. Both these guys have lived in this country a long time and likely have had interactions with different minority communities here as well, which could have shaped their experiences.
Now we moved on to interactions in the US?

Ok, I am confused now. I thought you said you were referring to blacks in this country in your post.
We are going in circles here. First of all it was a sarcastic comment; secondly those were not his original thoughts, he was simply regurgitating neocon rhetoric.

confuzzled dude

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Join date : 2011-05-08

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by confuzzled dude Mon May 19, 2014 6:24 am

Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
That's right That's right. I'm the one that pees in my pants to criticize American policies fearing they will come get me due to my non-white/Indian race.

Ha ha. So you think I'm not criticizing American policies now when I criticise the Obama Administration. You seem to have reading comprehension issues, Comrade. Did you want that in русский , товарищ?

Where did I say that? gummadi kayala donga ante bhujalu tadumukunnatlu-undi tamari answer. Ask your buddy to translate it for you.

My apologies. You said something about *how you like* crying out like the boy cried wolf.
I was merely defending my position; was not criticizing your guts or lack there of; suffering from severe form of inferiority complex, eh?

Hellsangel wrote:
Dear Comrade with reading comprehension, I wasn't translating what you said. I was replying to the first part which I now bolded for your comprehension.
Trying hard to point out someone's comprehension skills doesn't make you any smarter rather it shows lack of your articulation skills.

confuzzled dude

Posts : 10205
Join date : 2011-05-08

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Hellsangel Mon May 19, 2014 6:27 am

confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
That's right That's right. I'm the one that pees in my pants to criticize American policies fearing they will come get me due to my non-white/Indian race.

Ha ha. So you think I'm not criticizing American policies now when I criticise the Obama Administration. You seem to have reading comprehension issues, Comrade. Did you want that in русский , товарищ?

Where did I say that? gummadi kayala donga ante bhujalu tadumukunnatlu-undi tamari answer. Ask your buddy to translate it for you.

My apologies. You said something about *how you like* crying out like the boy cried wolf.
I was defending my position; was not criticizing your guts or lack there of. suffering from severe form of inferiority complex, eh?

Hellsangel wrote:
Dear Comrade with reading comprehension, I wasn't translating what you said. I was replying to the first part which I now bolded for your comprehension.
Trying hard to point out someone's comprehension skills doesn't make you any smarter rather it shows lack of your articulation skills.

I'm sorry, Comrade but when you don't comprehend, people have to try harder, kind of like talking louder for an old, slow person. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings.

I'll just understand that you're not going to comprehend anyway, rather than being insensitive to your feelings.

PS: The only inferiority complex is suffered by you, Comrade. Whether in India or the US.

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Propagandhi711 Mon May 19, 2014 9:51 am

Kris wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:

this i can agree with. but neither you nor i have lived in a country or society as part of a minority population where our physical safety is sporadically threatened. it wouldn't hurt him to reassure them.
What Propa meant was, they could learn a lot from me; As a minority in America, try to be as white as you can, you know like posing as a gun nut, criticizing blacks for violence, drugs, teen pregnancy, lack of family values etc.,

oh it's so wrong...everyone must be like you comrade: supporting status quo corrupt thugs back home solely on basis of some castiest associations and feudal links, hating westerners due to some anticolonial hang ups, forming your political views in america purely out of reactionary fear and loathing of white man, endlessly hating the country and it's systems while shamelessly making a good living here....that's the only way for indians to live.
me criticizing American foreign policy is hatred but someone drubbing a certain community endlessly hoping that will to get him into the good side of white majority is showing love for America. I get it I get it.


Why do you want to view these opinions in the context of whites? Are you saying there are and have been no interactions between hindus and muslims in India that would not have caused someone who grew up there to form an opinion?

first you had this old breed of die hard communists in 50s and 60s india whose hatred of british colonials congealed with faulty communistic ideology (soviet was seen as a bullwark and protectorate against neoimperialism of the anglosaxons post ww2) and taught their students in 40s and 50s to love the muslim invaders as victims of the same colonial imperialism that oppressed rest of indians. these students then became professors and intellectuals in the 60s and 70s and codified secularism, hatred of western capitalism and everything associated with it into their quran which was taught to rest of indians in 80s and 90s. some of these 3rd generation commies despite having emigrated to america and west for financial reasons, retained that hatred/mistrust of the whiteman, not being able to separate race from ideology and see white man as their oppressor and responsible for all ills in the world. comrade is a prime example of one such when he emigrated to US in mid to late 90s as part of that H1B wave. you see this irrational fear deprogrammed in people that attended universities in the US to a large extent. for example the bicoastal liberals dont suffer from the same brand of fear and loathing of white man as comrade who lives in a northern virginia fishbowl interacting exclusively with fellow caste members, kebab comrades and reading wapo newspaper. he's afraid of everything outside of his experience and cant understand those that arent.


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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by confuzzled dude Mon May 19, 2014 10:04 am

Propagandhi711 wrote:
first you had this old breed of die hard communists in 50s and 60s india whose hatred of british colonials congealed with faulty communistic ideology (soviet was seen as a bullwark and protectorate against neoimperialism of the anglosaxons post ww2) and taught their students in 40s and 50s to love the muslim invaders as victims of the same colonial imperialism that oppressed rest of indians. these students then became professors and intellectuals in the 60s and 70s and codified secularism, hatred of western capitalism and everything associated with it into their quran which was taught to rest of indians in 80s and 90s. some of these 3rd generation commies despite having emigrated to america and west for financial reasons, retained that hatred/mistrust of the whiteman, not being able to separate race from ideology and see white man as their oppressor and responsible for all ills in the world. comrade is a prime example of one such when he emigrated to US in mid to late 90s as part of that H1B wave. you see this irrational fear deprogrammed in people that attended universities in the US to a large extent.
Amazing.... man how did you figure that out, hope you're not in fotune-telling business.
Propagandhi711 wrote:
for example the bicoastal liberals dont suffer from the same brand of fear and loathing of white man as comrade who lives in a northern virginia fishbowl interacting exclusively with fellow caste members, kebab comrades and reading wapo newspaper. he's afraid of everything outside of his experience and cant understand those that arent.
I'm enamored by this skill of yours dude, 90% of my circle consists of folks from your community (predominantly from Krishna)

confuzzled dude

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Propagandhi711 Mon May 19, 2014 10:13 am

confuzzled dude wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
first you had this old breed of die hard communists in 50s and 60s india whose hatred of british colonials congealed with faulty communistic ideology (soviet was seen as a bullwark and protectorate against neoimperialism of the anglosaxons post ww2) and taught their students in 40s and 50s to love the muslim invaders as victims of the same colonial imperialism that oppressed rest of indians. these students then became professors and intellectuals in the 60s and 70s and codified secularism, hatred of western capitalism and everything associated with it into their quran which was taught to rest of indians in 80s and 90s. some of these 3rd generation commies despite having emigrated to america and west for financial reasons, retained that hatred/mistrust of the whiteman, not being able to separate race from ideology and see white man as their oppressor and responsible for all ills in the world. comrade is a prime example of one such when he emigrated to US in mid to late 90s as part of that H1B wave. you see this irrational fear deprogrammed in people that attended universities in the US to a large extent.
Amazing.... man how did you figure that out, hope you're not in fotune-telling business.
Propagandhi711 wrote:
for example the bicoastal liberals dont suffer from the same brand of fear and loathing of white man as comrade who lives in a northern virginia fishbowl interacting exclusively with fellow caste members, kebab comrades and reading wapo newspaper. he's afraid of everything outside of his experience and cant understand those that arent.
I'm enamored by this skill of yours dude, 90% of my circle consists of folks from your community (predominantly from Krishna)

that only proves my point.


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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by confuzzled dude Mon May 19, 2014 10:23 am

Propagandhi711 wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
first you had this old breed of die hard communists in 50s and 60s india whose hatred of british colonials congealed with faulty communistic ideology (soviet was seen as a bullwark and protectorate against neoimperialism of the anglosaxons post ww2) and taught their students in 40s and 50s to love the muslim invaders as victims of the same colonial imperialism that oppressed rest of indians. these students then became professors and intellectuals in the 60s and 70s and codified secularism, hatred of western capitalism and everything associated with it into their quran which was taught to rest of indians in 80s and 90s. some of these 3rd generation commies despite having emigrated to america and west for financial reasons, retained that hatred/mistrust of the whiteman, not being able to separate race from ideology and see white man as their oppressor and responsible for all ills in the world. comrade is a prime example of one such when he emigrated to US in mid to late 90s as part of that H1B wave. you see this irrational fear deprogrammed in people that attended universities in the US to a large extent.
Amazing.... man how did you figure that out, hope you're not in fotune-telling business.
Propagandhi711 wrote:
for example the bicoastal liberals dont suffer from the same brand of fear and loathing of white man as comrade who lives in a northern virginia fishbowl interacting exclusively with fellow caste members, kebab comrades and reading wapo newspaper. he's afraid of everything outside of his experience and cant understand those that arent.
I'm enamored by this skill of yours dude, 90% of my circle consists of folks from your community (predominantly from Krishna)

that only proves my point.
whatever man.. most of the members are well aware of narcissistic personality disorder you suffer from.

confuzzled dude

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Hellsangel Mon May 19, 2014 10:41 am

confuzzled dude wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
first you had this old breed of die hard communists in 50s and 60s india whose hatred of british colonials congealed with faulty communistic ideology (soviet was seen as a bullwark and protectorate against neoimperialism of the anglosaxons post ww2) and taught their students in 40s and 50s to love the muslim invaders as victims of the same colonial imperialism that oppressed rest of indians. these students then became professors and intellectuals in the 60s and 70s and codified secularism, hatred of western capitalism and everything associated with it into their quran which was taught to rest of indians in 80s and 90s. some of these 3rd generation commies despite having emigrated to america and west for financial reasons, retained that hatred/mistrust of the whiteman, not being able to separate race from ideology and see white man as their oppressor and responsible for all ills in the world. comrade is a prime example of one such when he emigrated to US in mid to late 90s as part of that H1B wave. you see this irrational fear deprogrammed in people that attended universities in the US to a large extent.
Amazing.... man how did you figure that out, hope you're not in fotune-telling business.
Propagandhi711 wrote:
for example the bicoastal liberals dont suffer from the same brand of fear and loathing of white man as comrade who lives in a northern virginia fishbowl interacting exclusively with fellow caste members, kebab comrades and reading wapo newspaper. he's afraid of everything outside of his experience and cant understand those that arent.
I'm enamored by this skill of yours dude, 90% of my circle consists of folks from your community (predominantly from Krishna)

that only proves my point.
whatever man.. most of the members are well aware of narcissistic personality disorder you suffer from.

Hmm, Comrade. You were saying something about psychoanalysis a few posts back?

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Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities - Page 2 Empty Re: Sidhartha Varadarajan: Modi has failed to reach out to minorities

Post by Propagandhi711 Mon May 19, 2014 11:10 am

confuzzled dude wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
first you had this old breed of die hard communists in 50s and 60s india whose hatred of british colonials congealed with faulty communistic ideology (soviet was seen as a bullwark and protectorate against neoimperialism of the anglosaxons post ww2) and taught their students in 40s and 50s to love the muslim invaders as victims of the same colonial imperialism that oppressed rest of indians. these students then became professors and intellectuals in the 60s and 70s and codified secularism, hatred of western capitalism and everything associated with it into their quran which was taught to rest of indians in 80s and 90s. some of these 3rd generation commies despite having emigrated to america and west for financial reasons, retained that hatred/mistrust of the whiteman, not being able to separate race from ideology and see white man as their oppressor and responsible for all ills in the world. comrade is a prime example of one such when he emigrated to US in mid to late 90s as part of that H1B wave. you see this irrational fear deprogrammed in people that attended universities in the US to a large extent.
Amazing.... man how did you figure that out, hope you're not in fotune-telling business.
Propagandhi711 wrote:
for example the bicoastal liberals dont suffer from the same brand of fear and loathing of white man as comrade who lives in a northern virginia fishbowl interacting exclusively with fellow caste members, kebab comrades and reading wapo newspaper. he's afraid of everything outside of his experience and cant understand those that arent.
I'm enamored by this skill of yours dude, 90% of my circle consists of folks from your community (predominantly from Krishna)

that only proves my point.
whatever man.. most of the members are well aware of narcissistic personality disorder you suffer from.

in anger phase this morning, comrade?


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