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H-M synthesis: Hussaini Brahmins

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H-M synthesis: Hussaini Brahmins Empty H-M synthesis: Hussaini Brahmins

Post by Guest Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:20 pm

The battle of Karbala fought in 680 A.D, is regarded as one of the most horrifying events in the history of Islam.  This event is commemorated the world over by Muslims during the first ten days of the first month of (Muharram) of the Islamic calendar.  Muslims commiserate the innocent “few” who were mercilessly killed by “evil” many. Hussein, may Allah be pleased with him, Grandson of Prophet Muhammad (P.b.u.h), shines in the galaxy of such heroic souls as Socrates and Jesus who safeguarded the honour of humanity by sacrificing their own lives.  Hussein’s sincere heart and noble spirit which were burning with the fire of truth and justice could not tolerate the sublime principles of the noble faith being dashed to the ground at the hands of a wicked and degenerate despot who was bent upon converting the high office of the caliphate into a ruthless inhuman and corrupt monarchy.  The blood that Hussein shed on the battlefield immortalized his name.
In Mauritius, too, the commemoration of Imam Hussein’s martyrdom is observed with great solemnity during the first ten days of this month in several mosques and other circles. The Imam of the Jumma mosque as well as other luminaries pontificate on the essence of the sacrifice of Imam Hussein from their pulpits.  In some  gatherings “mehfils” across the island, Muslims recite elegies (Masiyas) and narrate the event leading to the martyrdom of Hussein.
At Magon and Pagoda streets in Plaine Verte, some Muslims have since the French period always marked this event in their own way by the organization of the Yamsé festival popularly known as  “Goon” by taking part in lamenting rituals, flagellation and “tazia” processions.  Usually Magon and its adjacent streets are decorated with green and red flags.  There have been some attempts by Moomtaz Emrith author of the “History of the Muslims of Mauritius” and Dr Ameena Jahangeer-Chojoo author of “La Rose et le Henné” to probably unearth the cultural dimensions of this festival.
However, if we go down in history, the Yamsé festival in Mauritius can trace its roots in India. It is probably a legacy bequeathed to us by our forefathers.  In fact, the most striking aspect about the observances of the month of Muharram is that it is celebrated in various parts of India not only by Muslims but by Hindus also.  In several towns and villages, Hindus join Muslims in lamenting the death of Hussein by sponsoring or taking part in tazia processions.
In Lucknow, seat of the shia Nawabs of Awadh, prominent noble men like Raja Tikat Rai and Raja Bilas Rai erected “Imam Baras” standard representing the Karbala event.  The Hindu Lambadi community in Andhra Pradesh has its own genre of Muharram lamentation songs in Telugu. Among certain Hindu communities in the state of Rajasthan, the epic of Karbala is recounted by staging plays in which the death of Imam Hussein is enacted, after which women of the village come out in procession crying and cursing Yazid for his cruelty.
According to Yoginder Sikand,  the most intriguing  case of Hindu veneration of Imam Hussein is to be found among the small Husseini Brahmin sect also called Dutts and Mohiyals who are found mainly in  the Punjab.  These Husseini  Brahmins have had a long martial tradition which they traced back to the event of Karbala.  They believe that an ancestor by the name of Rahab Sidh Dutt travelled all the way from Punjab to Arabia where he became a disciple of Imam Hussein.  In the battle of Karbala, Rahab fought in the army of Imam Hussein against Yazid.  His sons too, joined him and most of them were killed.  The Imam, on seeing Rahab’s love for him, bestowed upon him the title of sultan or king.  It is because of the close bond between Rahab and Imam Hussein that the Husseini  Brahmins derive their names.  After Rahab and his sons who had survived the battle of Karbala reached India, they settled in Western Punjab and gradually a community grew around them.  The Husseini Brahmins practised an intriguing blend of Islamic and Hindu traditions.  A popular saying refers to the Husseini Brahmins or Dutts as follows
Wah! Dutt sultan
Hindu ka Dharm
Musalman ka Iman
Adha Hindu Adha Musalman

Oh! Dutt the king
Professing  Hindu religion
Having the faith of Muslim
Half Hindu, half Muslim

Moreover, the Husseini Brahmins uphold that in the Bhagwatgita Krishna had foretold the event of the Imam’s death at Karbala. According to them, the Kalanki Purana, the last of the eighteen Puranas, as well as the Atharva Veda, the fourth Veda, refer to Imam Hussain as the divine incarnation or avatar of the Kaliyug, the present age. They hold Imam Ali, Imam Hussein’s father and son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad in particular reverence referring to him with the  honorific title of Om Murti.
The above provides impeccable evidence about the pragmatic role played by the Husseini Brahmins in the catastrophe of Karbala. There are more than a dozen ballads composed centuries ago which vividly and with great passion describe the scenario of this historic event.  The Husseini Brahmins along with other Hindu devotees of the Imam are today a rapidly vanishing community.  Such communities are destined for perdition but they tell  a tale of multiculturalism and the long association of Hindus with Muslims.


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