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"One who couldn't save his own head, how will he save others?": Ram Gopal Verma launches a tirade against Lord Ganesha

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"One who couldn't save his own head, how will he save others?": Ram Gopal Verma launches a tirade against Lord Ganesha Empty "One who couldn't save his own head, how will he save others?": Ram Gopal Verma launches a tirade against Lord Ganesha

Post by Guest Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:52 pm


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"One who couldn't save his own head, how will he save others?": Ram Gopal Verma launches a tirade against Lord Ganesha Empty Re: "One who couldn't save his own head, how will he save others?": Ram Gopal Verma launches a tirade against Lord Ganesha

Post by truthbetold Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:22 am

The question is what do you think of his tweet.


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"One who couldn't save his own head, how will he save others?": Ram Gopal Verma launches a tirade against Lord Ganesha Empty Re: "One who couldn't save his own head, how will he save others?": Ram Gopal Verma launches a tirade against Lord Ganesha

Post by Guest Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:56 am

truthbetold wrote:Rash
The question is what do you think of his tweet.

I disapprove of it.


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"One who couldn't save his own head, how will he save others?": Ram Gopal Verma launches a tirade against Lord Ganesha Empty Ganesha symbolism

Post by Seva Lamberdar Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:34 pm

Ganesha symbolism

Here, in the following, about the association of elephant image with Ganesha, notwithstanding the later Puranic mythical tales (including the Puranic story of Lord Shiva cutting his son's head and replacing it with that of young elephant).

Ganesha (Gana + Isha or गणः ईशः, meaning Lord of the masses / people) was one of the original / oldest names used for God, leading to the worship of God as Ganesha performed before or ahead of any other name for God (including Shiva, Vishnu, Devi et al.).

Moreover, even though the idea or meaning behind Ganesha for God (as Lord of people / masses) in the beginning was in the abstract sense (as Nirguna or without any particular form), later on, perhaps to aid the devotee during physical worship and for easy visualization of the Lord, Ganesha probably was portrayed in art and sculpture etc. (including the worship idols) in the image associated with the similar sounding word (ganika or गणिकः, meaning elephant); the abstract Ganesha depicted conveniently (physically, in anthropomorphic way) according to the image (possessing the head) of ganika (elephant).
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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"One who couldn't save his own head, how will he save others?": Ram Gopal Verma launches a tirade against Lord Ganesha Empty Re: "One who couldn't save his own head, how will he save others?": Ram Gopal Verma launches a tirade against Lord Ganesha

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