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This monotonous cycle! :-)

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This monotonous cycle! :-) Empty This monotonous cycle! :-)

Post by TruthSeeker Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:04 pm

Same old, same old.

One generation, after another.

I can hardly recollect who my paternal grandpa was, and thinking about his father is out of Q.

Same will repeat, for my great grand-children.

Whats new?

I am just another human, to be forgotten in next couple of generations. Not a Mahatma Gandhi or Hitler.

You know what I mean?

Sounds bad, but it may not be. 

Perhaps, I should just do what I think is most important.

Because its possible that my great great grandpa or grandma did something that no one remembers now.

But they did, when they did it.

And now I or anyone do not even remember now, or even bothers.

random thoughts on life across 3 or more generations,


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This monotonous cycle! :-) Empty Re: This monotonous cycle! :-)

Post by Guest Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:21 pm

main pal do pal ka shayar hoon…


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This monotonous cycle! :-) Empty Re: This monotonous cycle! :-)

Post by TruthSeeker Tue Aug 18, 2015 8:14 pm

The song does fit, eh?

But the point remains - We are a nobody, beyond 3 generations.

So, better live for our own self, than for our next 2 generations.



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This monotonous cycle! :-) Empty Re: This monotonous cycle! :-)

Post by Guest Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:23 pm

by and large, most people do live for themselves when they make life decisions like career, marriage, location, etc.. If they give in to parental or other demands, that too is their decision. i don't think anyone lives or make decisions based on future generations to follow. immediate concerns are self, and then the kids, and perhaps grandkids. imo, either don't have kids, or be willing to sacrifice stuff for them and/or to make lives better for them. it's a cycle that eventually impacts each generation down the line. For me, this simply means continue to be progressive - whether it means material success or spirituality or philosophy - and all else will fall in place.  

in almost all families, especially the ones that are very successful, there is usually someone who broke the trend or moved, or did something enterprising, and the successors built upon it. They had no idea what will happen 7 generations down the line, but they just did the right thing. In the case of most successful writers, you can trace a grandpa who used to publish small family chronicles. in the case of big musicians, you can mostly trace someone who entertained locally. And so on... whatever you are doing, will impact the following generations, if you have kids that is. no point thinking too much about it. Just enrich yourselves and them.


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This monotonous cycle! :-) Empty Re: This monotonous cycle! :-)

Post by Guest Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:41 pm

TruthSeeker wrote:The song does fit, eh?

But the point remains - We are a nobody, beyond 3 generations.

So, better live for our own self, than for our next 2 generations.

Yeah, this is what you got to do. No one care about you after you die. So get out of the desire to 'leave a mark' after you die for generations to come. Why should you care? Just live your life well now.


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This monotonous cycle! :-) Empty Re: This monotonous cycle! :-)

Post by TruthSeeker Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:14 pm

The truth with a small "t" is -

All parents devote their lives for the best of their kids.

Because each Q that I ask here, can be asked by my kid. And s/he has the right.

I brought them here, not their choice.



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This monotonous cycle! :-) Empty Re: This monotonous cycle! :-)

Post by TruthSeeker Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:20 pm

@Beatrix - True for whatever U say. But you mince words when talking of kids. Monotonous is not about one life alone, I talked of monotonous across generations. Repetitive across generations,. Hence monotonous. Perhaps, its a mistake to create life without "their" permission? Not possible, otherwise...


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This monotonous cycle! :-) Empty Re: This monotonous cycle! :-)

Post by Merlot Daruwala Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:30 pm

Unkil, monotony kicks in only when you have to do something repeatedly. Whereas you have only had one lifetime in which to bring up your kids. What your parents did for you, and what their parents did for them is irrelevant to your doing things for your kids. So stop whining, put away your two-dollar hooch and go read them a story in bed.
Merlot Daruwala
Merlot Daruwala

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This monotonous cycle! :-) Empty Re: This monotonous cycle! :-)

Post by Seva Lamberdar Fri Aug 21, 2015 8:57 am

TruthSeeker wrote:The truth with a small "t" is -

All parents devote their lives for the best of their kids.

Because each Q that I ask here, can be asked by my kid. And s/he has the right.

I brought them here, not their choice.

That's how the things work out in the end TS, without changing much. 

"Every gorilla wants his baby to be better than him, but the baby still remains a gorilla when it grows up."   ... Archie Bunker in All in the Family.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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