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India's economic growth predicted to outclass China's economic growth next year also

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India's economic growth predicted to outclass China's economic growth next year also Empty India's economic growth predicted to outclass China's economic growth next year also

Post by ashdoc Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:53 am


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India's economic growth predicted to outclass China's economic growth next year also Empty Re: India's economic growth predicted to outclass China's economic growth next year also

Post by Guest Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:46 am

india's economic growth rate crossed that of usa's long ago. why compete with china now? we are already more advanced than usa. time to  slaughter a few goats in celebration?


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India's economic growth predicted to outclass China's economic growth next year also Empty Re: India's economic growth predicted to outclass China's economic growth next year also

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:09 pm

brie wrote:india's economic growth rate crossed that of usa's long ago. why compete with china now? we are already more advanced than usa. time to  slaughter a few goats in celebration?

People forget that it takes a lot more effort to move a bigger rock. Chinese economy is too big and its growth will slow down and that is natural. The stupid Indian media will gloat over this forever. The good thing is when most of the economies - including the emerging ones - are in deep trouble, India is only complaining of a slower growth.

That in itself is a huge achievement for Rajan ji and Modi ji.


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