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To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel

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To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel Empty To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel

Post by Guest Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:55 pm

Patidar stir leader Hardik Patel on Monday called the Congress a “chor” (thief) and ruling Bharatiya Janata Party a “mahachor” (super thief) and said he will support the grand old party in order to defeat the saffron outfit in Gujarat, where the crucial assembly elections are due later this year.

“But have patience. Do not support (Congress) just now,” Patel said addressing a public rally at Mandal in north Gujarat, where he reached a couple of hours late on Monday night.

He also admitted he was present at a luxury hotel in Ahmedabad at the same time when the Congress’ vice president Rahul Gandhi checked into the premises but said he did not meet him amid swirling speculations they spoke to each other.


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To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel Empty Re: To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel

Post by Seva Lamberdar Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:43 pm

He should be fighting for his cause (getting rid of reservations altogether, or having reservations for his community too), instead of aligning in the elections with this party or that party (as 'chor' or 'mahachor')
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Join date : 2012-11-29

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To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel Empty Re: To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel

Post by Vakavaka Pakapaka Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:49 pm

Seva Lamberdar wrote:He should be fighting for his cause (getting rid of reservations altogether, or having reservations for his community too), instead of aligning in the elections with this party or that party (as 'chor' or 'mahachor')
Mr. H Patel should first write his exams. Apparently, he was a kaam-chor when he was a student.....

Vakavaka Pakapaka

Posts : 7611
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To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel Empty Re: To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel

Post by Seva Lamberdar Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:53 pm

Vakavaka Pakapaka wrote:
Seva Lamberdar wrote:He should be fighting for his cause (getting rid of reservations altogether, or having reservations for his community too), instead of aligning in the elections with this party or that party (as 'chor' or 'mahachor')
Mr. H Patel should first write his exams. Apparently, he was a kaam-chor when he was a student.....
Didn't know that.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6589
Join date : 2012-11-29

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To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel Empty Re: To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel

Post by SomeProfile Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:13 pm

Pappu is using Harpic Patel!  rofl

To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel DM9l02CWsAAulCK


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To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel Empty Re: To defeat ‘mahachor’ BJP, we can support ‘chor’ Congress: Hardik Patel

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